I think that this debate is going to be surprising for some and underwhelming for others ... my predictions on that scale:
Dean (he'll be Governor Dean tonight followed by Father Dean later tonight that combination is going ... he'll also have a joke about his own speech and when attacked he'll chucle instead of lash back, perhaps giving a story about his kids)
Lieberman (He will do badly compared to others. But he'll have the debate of his life and will be "the guy" that goes after Kerry. He'll get under Kerry's skin, and make him mad or more likely flustered. Underwhelming, but making a splash.)
Sharpton (He'll do great as usual, but this time defending Dean on at least on instance and will underhandedly attack Edwards in order top gain some votes in SC.)
Edwards (he'll look intelligent and wonky ... he will jab at Kerry on Issues and come back with some sort of quip that is not an attack, but points out Kerry is from Liberal Mass. He won't surpise only because he does so well at these things.)
Kerry (He'll leave nothing but flustered statements defense and some tired attacks on Dean. Dean will beat it back, Edwards will look Presidential next to him, Clark will dig in the military, and Leiberman will compare him to Dean)
Clark (He has no where to go and will try and complain that he has the best resume to try and pull suppport from Edwards ... his biggest threat ... by making it about the two military vets, but then attacking Kerry for being to Washington. However, all the attempts will leaving people still wodnering --- who is Clark and why is running for President?)
Kucinich (almost forgotten now that the voting has begun, he will attack Dean again hurting a bit but he'll add Kerry and Edwards into the mix for voting for the war and hammer that home till he looks out of touch ... cause he is.)