This is the second shuttlepod for Health Insurance Reform Bill schedule to begin voting at 1:00 EDT.
Everything below the fold is Adam's work that I brazenly ripped-off because he did such a fine job (and he helped me do said ripping) that he deserves as much praise as we can give him. Thanks, Adam for getting the ball rolling and easing those of us going nuts looking for info and wanting to connect with like minded people! Be sure to recommend the Mothership and not this shuttlepod.
Mothership - Adam Blomeke
Shuttlepod 1 - jnhobbs
Shuttlepod 3 - Christian Dem in NC
Shuttlepod 4 - Betty Pinson
Shuttlepod 5 - 88kathy
Shuttlepod 6 - politik
Shuttlepod 7 - Book of Hearts
Runabout 8 - sheba
Runabout 9 - Patch Adam
Runabout 10 - FredFred
Runabout 11 - FleetAdmiralJ
Runabout 12 - WXRock
Runabout 13 - eXtina
Runabout 14 - bsmechanic
Runabout 15 - splashy
Runabout 16 - jrooth
Runabout 17 - Losty
Runabout 18 - N in Seattle
CSPAN Live Debate Links:
Flash Player
Windows Media Player
Text of the Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
Text of the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
Text of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 3590 (Senate health bill)
Text of the bill as reported (reported by the Budget Committee)
CSPAN Video Library of the Rules Committee Meetings last night:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
There was a boatload of baloney in these meetings. Adam just watched the last session, which was all of the votes to grant waivers on bogus Republican Amendments You can read them all here. Byrd rule for would be useful here if only!
I make the point that when the Senate is operating under cloture the Chair is required to take the initiative under rule XXII to rule out of order all amendments which are dilatory or which on their face are out of order.
Here are just a few examples of the mess that our brothers and sisters on the other side of the political spectrum have been causing:
NDGOP Chair Gives Out Congressman's Personal Cell Phone Number on TV by me
TeaBaggers Go Overboard, Threaten Gun Violence Over HCR by GreyHawk
Now They're Spitting on a Congressman! UPDATED with Statement by DanK Is Back
The Bachmann Agenda on Health Care: Heartless by Tarryl Clark --That's Future Congresswoman Tarryl Clark!
Is Boehner now threatening violence? (with update #3) by NewDealer
Urgent! I'm being threatened to oppose HCR! (updated) by hatecloudsyourthoughts
Brick thrown at one of Louise Slaughter's congressional offices by Christian Dem in NC
Adam will provide other links as they are recommended.
Here is President Obama's speech to the Caucus too, via the new CSPAN video library: