This is the 115th diary on the earthquake disaster in Haiti. The first diary was by Dallasdoc and previous diaries are linked below. The idea is to keep resources visible and easily available for those wishing help.
ShelterBox: TexMex is busy moving, but carolina stargazer is watching the store. The next ShelterBox diary is planned for Friday morning, but activity in Tuesday's diary will continue to be monitored until then. TexMex, carolina stargazer, and the Daily Kos community have just closed the lid on ShelterBox #132.
Join us in the comments for today's news roundup and more. Be sure to also see diaries by Bev Bell for informed ground-level information on Haiti's needs. Action alerts and links below the fold.
"Dye mon, gen mon."
Translation: Beyond the mountain is another mountain.
(A proverb of both patience and the recognition of how difficult life in Haiti is.) |
Matching Funds
Turn a $25 donation into a $50 donation.
Matching funds currently available at this link for Reiser Relief, a group that parryander works with:
Reiser Relief is a charity started by my friend Father Reiser - it funds our water truck, pays teachers salaries, feeds kids, and it supports orphanages and homes for the elderly and women.
A total of $20K in matching funds have been provided for Reiser Relief from Razoo.
As of April 10, just over $7K remain (this number does not appear to be updated daily, but we will keep it as current as possible).
The now requisite warnings: |
Unfortunately even in the midst of tragedy, there are those who will try to take advantage of people's generosity for their personal advantage. A story on MSNBC reminds us to be careful:
The FBI, Better Business Bureau and software security companies Wednesday all warned Internet users to exercise caution before opening their wallets to organizations claiming to be charities that will send financial assistance to Haiti. "Apply a critical eye," said the FBI in a statement, and do "due diligence before responding to those requests."
Please do your research before donating. The Charity Navigator tool is a useful resource for this purpose. For those not familiar, Charity Navigator evaluates and rates charities according to their financial responsibility and sustainability. Their homepage now lists comprehensive information the major organizations on the ground in Haiti now. (h/t DeepHarm and deb s) An additional resource for researching charities is the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance site.
There are a number of misunderstood messages, rumors, or outright hoaxes being circulated. If something sounds "too good to be true" or you have questions about it, Snopes has a Haiti page to verify or debunk them.

A note about ratings listed here: allie123 has looked up all of the charities listed here and we've put ratings next to the ones that have actually been rated. It looks like this: (****/A). The number of stars (1-4) indicates the rating from Charity Navigator and is also a clickable link to a detailed review of that particular charity. The letter grade is from AIP and is explained here.
The lack of a rating does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with it. A lot of good (and bad) organizations have yet to be rated. Also, Charity Navigator, for example, does not evaluate organizations that are exempt under Internal Revenue Code from filing the Form 990. If you don't see a rating, it just means that maybe you should do a little more research before donating. When questions have been raised about a particular entry here, we've either removed it or we've included the question or criticism next to the entry. For more tips, see: Evaluating Charities Not Currently Rated by Charity Navigator.
Government Agencies |
Center for International Disaster Information has information on the humanitarian disaster, with links. There's an answer to the questions as to whether or not to give donations of goods. For the public, the answer is no, cash is better. (h/t dibsa)
Disasters Emergency Committee is the umbrella group for Great Britain, which the British government is asking their citizens to donate to. (h/t NY brit expat)
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has a $5 Fruit Trees for Haiti program that buys a fruit tree for a Haitian school garden. Avila's March 25 installment of this diary series has more information. Also see this comment by pico, who originally suggested this. Make sure to type "Haiti" in the comment box when making a donation.
Pan-American Relief PADF is the natural disaster relief arm of the Organization of American States' Pan-American Development Fund. It has more than 150 people working Haiti on economic development, disaster mitigation and protecting human rights. PADF is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington, D.C.
The State Department has set up another cellphone donation link: Text "HAITI" to 90999 and you will be charged for a $10 donation to relief efforts.
Americans seeking info on family members in Haiti, call 888-407-4747. An e-mail address has been set up as well, along with information for making inquiries. Please check the State Department's site for the proper information.
UNICEF. Make donations to UNICEF Haiti relief at this link. Additionally, CoinStar has set up a program for people to donate their loose change to UNICEF. To make a donation, consumers simply take their coin jar to one of more than 15,000 participating locations, select the "donate" option from the menu and choose The U.S. Fund for UNICEF, special code 5556 (This code is required to donated to the Haiti fund instead of the general fund). Donors receive a tax receipt for the full amount of their donation and funds are transferred to UNICEF within 48 hour. (Updated 4/12/10 h/t mydailydrunk)
United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund, with donations here. (h/t aaraujo)
USAID - USAID Responds immediately to Haiti earthquake
World Food Programme Update: See ImpeccableLiberalCredentials' diary on behalf of Friends of the World Food Program and the United Nations World Food Programme's pledge to feed 2 million
News Organizations have also compiled reliable NGO lists: |
Below are lists of both secular and religious-based organizations compiled by Daily Kos members. There are three additional lists of NGOs you can donate to: one on The Rachel Maddow Show website, another at Reuters AlertNet and the last one on CNN's Impact Your World Page, this page has charities organized by function and information about volunteering.
Secular NGOs: |
AARP Foundation (***) has a matching gift program going: (h/t Terre)
AARP's matching funds have been exhausted, but they are still covering all administrative costs so that 100% of your donation will find its way to helping people. Donations made through this link end up in the hands of HelpAge USA. Normally it is best to give directly to your charity, but it's obvious in this case that HelpAge USA welcomes AARP's assistance.
AmeriCares (****/A) Their donation page is here. AmeriCares restores health and saves lives by delivering donated medicines, medical supplies and humanitarian aid to people in need around the world and here at home.
Burners Without Borders is a small, but particularly interesting group engaged in direct action. (h/t parryander)
California Nurses Association call for volunteers. Another good link is the National Nurses United. In addition:
• @NationalNurses on twitter or by following: #haitiRN
• Call the RNRN hotline: 1-800-578-8225
• Support the RNRN/NNU disaster relief effort in Haiti by donating at Send A Nurse or by sending checks to California Nurses Foundation, 2000 Franklin St., Oakland, CA 94612. Charitable contributions will be used to pay for travel/related costs and medical supplies for volunteer RNs on their emergency nursing mission in Haiti. (h/t Valadon)
CARE (****/A) is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organizations. They were already in Haiti, and CARE is deploying additional emergency team members to the devastated city of Port-au-Prince in Haiti.
Chances for Children works to identify orphaned or abandoned children who are victims of severe poverty and neglect in Haiti. You can donate to them here.
Can-Do.org is intensely dedicated to working on the local level to provide lasting solutions to some of the world’s most critical issues, from environmental degradation to natural disasters, humanitarian crises to educational inequity. Their donation page is here.
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Through the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, we will work to provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. We will channel the collective goodwill around the globe to help the people of Haiti rebuild their cities, their neighborhoods, and their families. Donations can be made here.
The Aristide Foundation for Democracy (AFD) was created in 1996 by former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide (the first democratically elected president of Haiti) with a simple principle in mind: "The promise of democracy can only be fulfilled if all sectors of Haitian society are able to actively participate in the democratic life of the nation."
Direct Relief International (****) sent a 40-foot container of ongoing aid the day of the earthquake. Direct Relief works with Partners in Health (see below) and their efforts will concentrate on rebuilding hospital infrastructure. h/t Dallasdoc for update.
Doctors Without Borders (****/A) (aka Medecins Sans Frontieres or MSF) is an international group of medical professionals who work in chronically underserved countries, emergency sites and refugee camps around the world. Here is the latest news of their work in Haiti from their site, MSF Teams Set up Clinics to Treat Injured After Facilities Are Damaged. ***Update (h/t NY brit expat) Inability to get new staff and supplies a serious problem.
Hanger Orthopedic Group is accepting donated durable medical equipment (prosthetics, wheelchairs, walkers, canes and crutches), including gently used equipment, for distribution by Physicians for Peace and Project Hope (both rated 4 stars by Charity Navigator), for Haiti relief. To find one of Hanger's 600 locations near you, click here or call 877-4Hanger.
Help HIV patients in Haiti by donating to GHESKIO through Cornell Medical School. (h/t Hyde Park). To read more about this organization, go to GHESKIO's site and click "English" (the main site is in French).
Healing Hands for Haiti (a physical rehab and prosthetics organization based in Port au Prince), Lamp for Haiti, and a group that umbrellas several projects called Healing Haiti. parryander has personal experience with these groups, so I suggest checking out their comments.
Handicap International has approximately 20 expatriate staff and 130 Haitian colleagues are now involved in Handicap International's emergency response operations in Haiti, which includes caring for the injured, postoperative rehabilitation, the fitting of artificial limbs and the distribution of humanitarian aid and temporary shelters.
Another organization, The Honor and Respect Foundation, was described in a story on Narconews called Getting Help to Haiti. The foundation was created by journalist Reed Lindsay, who is now Telsur's D.C. Bureau Chief, for children who couldn't get into other schools. Their website says that it "seeks to establish funds in support of several specific programs carried out by grassroots groups in the poorest neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince." I have a phone number for a contact there and will get direct information tonight.
The International Committee of the Red Cross is of course a standby of emergency response throughout the world. Though the American Red Cross (***/A-) took a hit for administrative costs in the wake of Katrina, few NGOs have the reach or the resources of the ICRC.
The International Medical Corps (***/A+) is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Donations can be made here. (h/t glassbeadgame)
Mercy Corps (***/A-) is an excellent organization that is preparing an aid mission. Mercy Corps also allows you to donate through PayPal, Google Checkout and Amazon Payments, if this helps.
Partners in Health (****/A+) has now started a BLOG about its efforts called Stand with Haiti. It has very useful information. Partners in Health is also putting out a call for health volunteers, in case you are a medical professional who can help out that way:
We are deeply grateful for the multitude of people who have contacted us wanting to provide medical assistance. As patients flood to our sites from Port-au-Prince, we're finding ourselves in need of both medical personnel and supplies. In particular, we need surgeons (especially trauma/orthopedic surgeons), ER doctors and nurses, and full surgical teams (including anesthesiologists, scrub and post-op nurses, and nurse anesthetists). If you are a health professional interested in volunteering, please send an email to volunteer@pih.org with information on:
• Your credentials
• Language capabilities (Haitian Creole or French desired)
• Overseas experience (if any)
• Any prior experience in emergency/post-disaster relief efforts
• Availability
• Contact information
As phone lines in Haiti remain down and transportation and communication are difficult, PIH is still in the process of determining where we can set up operations in Port-au-Prince, and how we can transport patients and volunteers to our sites. We will be able to offer more concrete information after these logistical matters are resolved. Once again – thank you for your support. Kenbe fèm.
Physicians for Peace (****) was founded in 1989, dedicated to the ideal that health care in the developing world can best be improved by providing training and education to health care professionals in those countries. They are currently in Haiti, and getting ready for long-term work on rehabilitation and recovery for amputees and handicapped people in Haiti.
Portlight Strategies is gearing up to help Haitians with disabilities in the wake of the disaster.
Project HOPE (****) is one of the oldest medical relief organizations. They currently have people in Haiti working together with the USNS Comfort, as well as on the ground working to deliver medical aid. Their donation page is here
Pure Water for the World, which already has a presence in Haiti and is partnered with USAID to provide clean drinking water to the people of Haiti. (h/t parryander and AntKat)
Saint Damien Hospital Haiti is the only free pediatric hospital in Haiti.
I know there is extensive damage at our new hospital, that the perimeter walls of all three of our Tabarre programs have fallen. I know there is damage to the hospital walls
Donations may be made through this page. (h/t parryander)
Save The Children (****/A) has been working in Haiti since 1985. It has provided emergency relief and assistance to Haitian children and families following various recent disasters, including hurricanes and floods, and they are once again mobilizing.
ShelterBox USA, which provides prepackaged shelter. TexMex is coordinating an impressive effort to drive donations to ShelterBox. As of posting, the number of ShelterBoxes purchased by Kossacks is 132 and counting!
Soles4Souls is a Nashville-based charity that collects shoes from individuals and the warehouses of footwear companies and distributes them to people in need (while also helping the environment). [h/t Cedwyn]
TÉLÉCOMS SANS FRONTIÈRES. Communications infrastructure has been completely destroyed and helping to bring that back online will be a huge help to recovery efforts and to allow Haitians to get in touch with family they may have elsewhere in the world. (h/t yg17)
V-Day (**) is an organization that works to prevent violence against women, and funds safe houses and anti-violence movements. They had a safe house in Haiti, and are now starting a rescue fund.
Veterans of Foreign Wars is assisting in humanitarian efforts in Haiti by providing U.S. service members — with relatives currently located in Haiti — with the funds necessary to purchase airline tickets to the devastated island, so that they may locate, assist or make burial arrangements for relatives affected by the recent earthquake. Funds also may be used to help provide sustenance or other necessities to sustain life.
Whirlwind Wheelchair International provides rugged wheelchairs that are suitable for off-pavement use.
Zanmi Lakay is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for current and former street children in Haiti by providing educational and economic opportunities and resources to help these children while they are on the streets and to help build a life for them off the streets. A Pacifica-based photographer who has been working in Haiti for years is planning to return next week, so donations will go straight to those who need it.
Social Networking Efforts: |
Media Make Change has this to say:
Too often, we hear stories that are told about the survivors, where a narrator with a minimal connection to the tragedy attempts to explain lives that s/he doesn’t truly understand. But Haitian citizens have the right to tell their own stories; they have the right to engage in public discussion about how to remedy the crisis in Haiti.
Check out their 5 Easy Ways to Help page. In particular, they would like to have your old digital camera to put in the hands of a Haitian citizen.
Facebook Group Earthquake Haiti (h/t BCO Gal)
Animals will be in trouble as well. Animal Rescue and Relief. Donations can be made to:
Best Friends Animal Society (****/A-) . The earthquake in Haiti was devastating to humans and animals alike. But today, you can help. 100 percent of your donation will go directly to help animals suffering in the aftermath of the earthquake. Best Friends is a part of the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH), and your support will provide food, water, rabies vaccinations, safety and more for countless animals.
Humane Society International(***) (h/t Mr. Rick)
International Fund For Animal Welfare (****).
United Animal Nations (***). (h/t cany)
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPCA) (**) (h/t triciawyse)
Long-term Development and Recovery NGO's: |
Architecture for Humanity is going to be primarily working in the reconstruction phase of post disaster situations and will be focused on transitional and permanent housing and community structures. We are partnering with AIDG, Yele Haiti and other local group by supplying them pro bono construction and design professionals, setting up community housing resource centers and support in the design and building of earthquake resistant structures.
Crisis Commons is organizing for Crisis Camp Haiti. CrisisCommons brings together domain experts, developers, and first responders around improving technology and practice for humanitarian crisis management and disaster relief. h/t to Buffalo Girl
FINCA International (****/B) is a microfinance organization whose mission is to provide financial services to the world's lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets and improve their standard of living. They have a presence in Haiti already and are taking donations for relief. (h/t calNM)
Fonkoze (***) , a micro-lending organization in Haiti. From their Web site:
Fonkoze is Haiti’s Alternative Bank for the Organized Poor. We are the largest micro-finance institution offering a full range of financial services to the rural-based poor in Haiti. Fonkoze is committed to the economic and social improvement of the people and communities of Haiti and to the reduction of poverty in the country.
According to their Web site, their offices have taken quite a hit. This is another one in the category of long-term rebuilding. (h/t parryander and dizzydean)
Grassroots International (****) is recommended by Bev Bell. To donate for Haiti, click here. In Haiti, Grassroots International provides funding for The Haitian Platform to Advocate Alternative Development (PAPDA), which is a coalition of nine Haitian popular and non-governmental organizations who work with the Haitian popular movement to develop alternatives to the neo-liberal model of economic globalization. When the Haitian government moved to privatize certain industries, PAPDA worked with the unions and the business community to create strategies that would improve production and minimize cost without privatization. The coalition has worked with the agricultural sector to devise ways of producing and selling indigenous Haitian crops and protecting Haitian farmers from cheap imported grains. Allie123 has more details here.
Habitat for Humanity International (****/A-) is planning a multiphase strategy that includes early recovery and mid- and long-term responses. Habitat is addressing shelter solutions for low-income families. (h/t x)
Heifer International. Though not first responders, this group does long term infrastructural work. HI currently has 16 projects under way with more than 16,000 families and several farmer associations. The projects in Haiti, which are scattered around the country, with none close to Port-au-Prince, range from training in sustainable farming and crop diversity to gifts of livestock, seeds, trees and grains to training in nutrition, aquaculture and fish production. (h/t PrometheusUnbound)
The Jean Cadet Restavek Foundation. Restaveks are child slaves. This is an organization for children run by a Haitian man who is a former child slave.
Konpay is associated with the journalist Reed Lindsay. It focuses on Haitian solutions to environmental, social and economic problems and provides training and funding to grassroots and community-based projects. KONPAY is supporting Haitian-led efforts to reforest Haiti and protect the environment.
The Lambi Fund (***) is a secular non-profit nonprofit whose mission is "to assist the popular, democratic movement in Haiti. Its goal is to help strengthen civil society as a necessary foundation of democracy and development. The fund channels financial and other resources to community-based organizations that promote the social and economic empowerment of the Haitian people." They support "projects that embrace the following principles: non-violent, non-partisan, community-based, promoting the advancement of women, using education and training for empowerment, and promoting the overall democratic movement."
SOIL is based in Haiti (founded by two American females) and although their regular mission is :Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti, they are in the streets in PAP providing normal disaster relief services and translation (they speak Kreyol). They have said that all donations in the next 30 days (at least) will go directly to their relief work rather than their usual mission. They have been in Haiti for several years and are very familiar with the people and communities (h/t Royce)
Religious Groups: |
The Quakers' American Friends Service Committee (A-), with its stellar track record of aid. (h/t LNK)
American Jewish World Service (****/A) Haiti Relief. (h/t The YENTA Of The Opera). Donations to AJWS for Haiti relief are currently supporting 10 Community-based Organizations including Konpay, The Lambi Fund of Haiti, Mouvman Peyizan Rankit (MPR), Mouvman Peyzan Bayone 2eme Section Communale des Gonaives, Partners in Health/Zanmi Lasante and Fonkoze. For more info, see AWJS' Haiti Emergency.
Anglican Relief and Development (h/t aaraujo)
Catholic Relief Services (A), a faith group, already on the ground in Haiti. (h/t cybernun)
Church World Service (**/A) (h/t Frederick Clarkson)
Convoy of Hope (****) a nonprofit that networks with churches in the community where need exists. Provides necessities like food and water. Has Charity Navigator's highest rating year after year and was already in Haiti when the earthquake struck. (h/t DeepHarm)
Episcopal Relief & Development Haiti Fund (****) (h/t aaraujo)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is also collecting donations, and will use 100% of the donations for relief. (h/t ecologist)
Grace International has been on the ground in Haiti for over 30 years. (h/t Richard Cranium). Richard is a volunteer with this group, so be sure to see his diary on this.
IMA World Health (***) is a faith based nonprofit organization that provides health care services and supplies. (h/t leevank)
International Orthodox Christian Charities. (****) "IOCC in the spirit of Christ's love offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthen the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond." (h/t Pam from Calif)
The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (***) has started a Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund. According to the website, 100% of funds collected will go to aid - JUF will absorb all administrative costs. (h/t Sister Havana)
Little by Little, (h/t Dan in Illinois)
The Mennonite Central Committee (A) is a relief-and-development organization with staff currently in Haiti. (h/t AnnieJo)
Mission's Door which has facilities and operations in Haiti. If interested they have a donation page here, if you want donations to go to Haiti click "Haiti Earthquake Relief Project." (h/t Abraham Running For Congress When I Turn 25)
Presbyterian Church (USA). They have a separate account for Haiti, the donation link can be found here.
Reiser Relief is a small group that parryander has been working with. Matching funds are available until the end of march through this link.
The Salvation Army, which already has people on the ground in Haiti. (h/t Catte Nappe)
Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation (****) has been doing good work in rural Haiti for 25 years. They have recently partnered with Helping Hands for Haiti (linked above under secular NGO's).
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (****/A+) which uses 100% of donations for relief. (h/t drmah)
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (***) is also taking donations. "UUSC advances human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those who confront unjust power structures and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies." (h/t antimony)
World Vision (****/B+) is a faith group already on the ground in Haiti. You can also sponsor a Haitian child under their care. (h/t cybernun)
TEXT a Donation: |
This is a quick, easy way to donate; the donations are simply added to your cell phone bill, and the amounts are small, and possibly a more affordable option for many. NPR did a story on donating via text--The Red Cross alone reports $4.7 million dollars in text message donations for Haitian relief thus far! Here's a list of ways to donate via text, from betson08, with update by thebluecrayon and edits by sardonyx:
• Text AJWS to 25383 to donate $10 to American Jewish World Service
• Text LIVE to 25383 to donate $10 to AmeriCares
• Text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross.
• Text CARE to 25383 to donate $10 to CARE
• Text QUAKE to 20222 to donate $10 to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
• Text HAITI to 20222 to donate $10 to The Clinton Foundation
• Text DISASTER to 90999 to donate $10 to Compassion International
• Text HABITAT to 25383 to donate $10 to Habitat for Humanity
• Text HAITI to 85944 to donate $10 to the International Medical Corps.
• Text HAITI to 25383 to donate $5 to the International Rescue Committee.
• Text HAITI to 52000 to donate $10 to the Salvation Army. You can do it up to three times (no need to send STOP message)
• Text SAVE to 20222 to donate $10 to Save the Children Federation
• Text SUPPORT SHELTER to 20222 to send money to ShelterBox
• Text SHELTERBOX to 56512 to send money to ShelterBox (you will get a phone call back asking for amount and credit card info).
• Text UNICEF to 20222 to donate $10 to UNICEF
• Text CERF to 90999 to donate $5 to The United Nations Foundation
• Text HAITI to 864833 to donate $5 to The United Way
• Text WORLD to 20222 to donate $10 to World Vision
Note: Someone mentioned texting the word "STOP" after sending a text donation to avoid a recurring fee on your cell phone bill--however, I don't know if anyone has confirmed whether this is necessary in all cases. Something to keep in mind if you text donations.
If you have iTunes, Apple has a link set up where you can donate $10 to $100 dollars instantly. (h/t Brainwrap)
Other news and diaries: |
An update to the previous diary version that really highlights the effectiveness of this community in times of crisis like this:
This social network fundraising effort is attracting the attention of other media. The Dallas Morning News contacted Dallasdoc:
Tonight I had a conversation with a reporter from the Dallas Morning News, who noted our efforts to raise money for the victims in Haiti and emailed me because of my screenname. I had a long chat with him in which I extolled the good heart and caring nature of the people in this community. "We are liberals and progressives, we are interested in politics because we care about people," I told him. I described how this community responded to a simple appeal with incredible energy and self-sacrificing generosity, and that after five years here I had expected no less of us. He was impressed, and is working on an article about how new media and social networking sites are mobilizing to help the Haitians. He got the idea for that article from us.
There are two excellent liveblogs by mindoca. This is the first one and this is the second. If you need more specific information, these are a great place to start. mindoca has spent time in Haiti and offers a true first-hand view of disaster relief and Haiti itself.
By dharmafarmer, a photo diary on relief efforts.
Scioto provides helpful information about the circumstances under which various credit card fees may be waived for charitable donations.
VA gentlewoman has a diary about the infrastructure details for Haiti.
Mokurai has contributed The Real Story in Haiti and Haiti: Dimensions of Disaster.
FishOutofWater takes a moment to explore the benefits of Partners in Health's commitment to solar powered health centers.
Meteor Blades points the way to a better and more sustainable future for Haitians in Haiti Could Use a New Deal.
As the MSM (in the United States) turns attention away from Haiti, Deoliver47 reminds us that things are not suddenly all better: Raining Disease and More Deaths.
All diaries by Bev Bell. She is the author of Walking on Fire: Haitian Women's Stories of Survival and Resistance, has worked with Haitian social movements for more than 30 years, and appears to have joined Daily Kos for the sole purpose of sharing that experience with us.
For some good pre-earthquake background on Haiti, see Daisy Cutter's Book Review: "Damming the Flood" by Peter Hallward, pt 1. This diary was published in July 2008 and presents a history of Haiti up to 1999 using Hallward's book as a reference. Excellent.
Two recent diaries by Deep harm remind us that the rains are coming and tents are needed.
Thank you for your reads, recs, and donations. If anyone has any additional information, updates, or corrections, please comment--the comments in all of the diary versions thus far have been gold mines of information. It would be impossible to incorporate all of the information gathered in the comments into the diary, but I will updated as necessary/possible. If you would like to keep this list of links visible, please consider volunteering to post a diary so we can keep this effort going.
Many Kossacks helped this community assemble one of the most exhaustive lists of aid organizations working in Haiti, now placed in the dKosopedia wiki by the wonderful Norbrook. Please visit that list, which has been updated here over the past ten days to reflect the input of our wonderful and humane community. As the Shelterbox Diaries have shown in raising funds for over 1200 Haitians to have a place to stay, we are liberals who walk our talk about caring for our fellow human beings.
Past diaries in this series: |
This series was created by Dallasdoc and has been maintained with the help of (listed alphabetically): Aji, ALifeLessFrightening, allie123, AntKat, Avila, betson08, big spoiled baby, cosmic debris, Deep Harm, Deoliver47, Frederick Clarkson, J Brunner Fan, Jimdotz, maggiejean, marabout40, Norbrook, OHknighty, oke, parryander, Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse, Pluto, RunawayRose, swampus, and thebluecrayon. All of these previous diaries can be found by clicking here (listed in reverse chronological order).
Wednesday: allie123
Thursday: Aji
Friday: RunawayRose
Saturday: ***Aji***
Sunday: Tchridy
Monday: ***open***
If you would like to volunteer to contribute a diary to continue this series, please volunteer in the comments below. Norbrook has created a Google documents file** with the source code for our usual introduction and the list of charities the community has developed. Doing one of these diaries, thanks to Norbrook, is not nearly as demanding as it was early in the series. Also, updates need to be made far less frequently. You don't need to set aside huge chunks of time for it and it's easy to multi-task if you have other things to do, as long as you're able to check the comments every 30 minutes or so.
**There is also a backup to the original google doc. See this comment for more details.
The icons and March 13 formatting revision of this diary series are courtesy of the html artist known on Daily Kos as Pluto. The "Help Haiti" image at the top of the diary that has become the "logo" of this series is courtesy of AuntKat.