The following originally appeared on Project Economic Refugee.
Now that Governor Brewer has signed SB1070 into law, there’s been a lot of talk in the past few days about boycotting Arizona. One good starting point would be to boycott those companies that donated money to those politicians that voted for passage of this law in the first place.
Here’s the list of Senators and their district numbers that voted YES:
Sylvia Allen (R-5)
David Braswell (R-6)
Chuck Gray (R-19)
Jack W. Harper (R-4)
Barbara Leff (R-11)
Al Melvin (R-26)
Russell Pearce (R-18)
Jay Tibshraeny (R-21)
Ed Bunch (R-7)
Linda Gray (R-10)
John Huppenthal (R-20)
Steve Pierce (R-1)
Thayer Verschoor (R-22)
Frank Antenori (R-30)
Ron Gould (R-3)
John Nelson (R-12)
Robert "Bob" Burns (R-9)
Notice that they were all Republican. In fact, the only Republican to vote "No" was:
Carolyn S. Allen (R-8)
Here’s the list of those that voted for it and their district numbers in the AZ House or Representatives:
Rep. Lucy Mason (R-1), Rep. Andrew Tobin Sr. (R-1), Rep. Doris Goodale (R-3), Rep. Nancy McLain (R-3), Rep. Tom Boone (R-4), Rep. Judy Burges (R-4), Rep. Bill Konopnicki (R-5), Rep. Amanda Reeve (R-6), Rep. Carl Seel (R-6), Rep. Ray Barnes (R-7), Rep. Nancy Barto (R-7), Rep. John Kavanagh (R-8), Rep. Michele Reagan (R-8), Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-9), Rep. Rick Murphy (R-9), Rep. Doug Quelland (R-9), Rep. James Weiers (R-9), Rep. Adam Driggs (R-11), Rep. Steve Montenegro (R-12), Jerry Weiers (R-12), Rep. Cecil Ash (R-18), Rep. Steve Court (R-18), Rep. Kirk Adams (R-19), Rep. Rich Crandall (R-19), Rep. John McComish (R-20), Rep. Warde Nichols (R-21), Rep. Steven Yarbrough (R-21), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-22), Rep. Laurin Hendrix (R-22), Rep. Frank Pratt (R-23), Rep. Russell Jones (R-24), Rep. David Stevens (R-25), Rep. Vic Williams (R-26), Rep. David Gowan (R-30), Rep. Ted Vogt (R-30).
As you can see, all were Republicans on the House side. So in summary the only Republican to vote "No" in the whole Arizona state congress was Senator Carolyn Allen.
Updates on the boycott are developing quickly. Please visit this site to learn more about where these Arizona politicians got their money from.
Update: AZ State Senator Huppenthal, the author of SB 1070, went on Chris Matthews' show yesterday. Watch Huppenthal squirm as he falsely states that this new law does not legalize racial profiling (it in fact, does legalize racial profiling because it forces police officers to stop someone if they have "reasonable suspicion" of someone looking like an "illegal", which can be dangerously interpreted as anything the police arbitrarily chooses, for ex. if someone merely looks brown). See for yourself: incredibly, it appears Sen. Huppenthal does not even know what was in his own bill. The video has been posted here