I was wondering if there was
undersea footage, documenting
what that Gulf Floor ecosystem was like?
Ever since hearing a scientist on NPR this weekend,
who had described the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem,
as being quite diverse and complex.
Imagine undersea "mountain plateaus"
one after the other. Each a thriving community
very much like any "Coral Reef" you may be familiar with.
Now imagine that, covered in oil.
Life on the Edge 2004: Investigating Gulf of Mexico Coral Reefs
That Gulf Eco-Expert predicts that the "filter feeders" --
the sponges and corals --
are in for a world of hurt.
As the sub-surface oil and the deep deployment of dispersant (Corexit 9500),
end up breaking enough of it up,
so that those deepwater "filters" are toast
(ie. those critters digest the toxic brew.)
[NPR Audio and Transcript: Extent Of Damage Under Ocean's Surface Unknown
All Things Considered - May 15, 2010
Host Guy Raz talks with Jim Cowan, a professor of oceanography and coastal sciences at Louisiana State University about the potential impact on sea life.]
Enjoy these Videos, of the diverse sea life, while you can.
Before this man-made 'black plague', makes them all a footnote, of Human Legacy.
Gulf of Mexico 2003: Extraordinary Biological Diversity
Lophelia II 2008: Extraordinary Redeye Gaper "Gulf of Mexico Deepwater"
Vintage PBh - Coral Reefs
It's what you don't see that'll get ya.
Imagine either one of these discharge systems, Upside Down
spewing waste, into those tricky Gulf currents.

Where it ends up, only the Fisherfolks will know,
and will keep telling us.
Where are the NOAA Subs? [to track, measure, and monitor]
Hell, What about those Navy Subs -- protecting our Coasts?
Where is the Urgency?
OK, instead of imagining it
Here's what those Underwater sewers,
might look like, when trapped beneath the surface:

Smoke "Plumes" rarely move in a straight line,
nor straight up either.
Oil plumes may have similar tricks up their sleeve too?
When they get into that Gulf of Mexico "Loop Current"
(just think "Jet Stream" & Iceland Volcano plumes)
If that happens, then All bets, are off!
Again, Where is the National Urgency?

To see what that Gulf "surface current" has done, since looked like immediately after 4/20/2010 and then click "Go"
And the Gulf temps are just starting to warm up.
God help us -- if we have another one of those "Active Hurricane Seasons" --
because apparently no one else will!
90 days to drill a relief well?
Hmmmm? Is that during the Middle of, or immediately after
those "pesky" little weather disturbances, the Gulf is renown for?
========= Updated ===========
Correction the previous "Loop Current" Graphic was actually just the 6-day Forecast, as of 04/20/2010.
And it was showing the "movement" in terms of expected Surface Temperature changes.
Here is what those Surface Temps looked like, as of 05/15/2010, with a 0-hour Forecast (ie. Real Time).
Here is what the Mix Layer looked like, as of 05/15/2010, with a 0-hour Forecast (ie. Real Time).
Dark red indicates mixing at a depth of 90 Meters.
Here is what those Horizontal Current looked like, as of 05/15/2010, with a 0-hour Forecast (ie. Real Time).
Light Blue indicates a Horizontal Current, at depth of 100 Meters, is between 1 and 1.5 Meters/Second.
My apologies for the lack of clarity in my original post.