Although the media initially played the Hamdi decision as a "partial victory" for Bush, it is more like a near-total defeat.
Check here for inside scoop:
And here to read the opinions for yourself:
SCOTUS, with Scalia writing the most civil libertarian opinion (though not the majority opinion), said Hamdi "unquestionably" gets access to a lawyer and can challenge his detention. On the broad question of whether Congress gave the president the theoretical authority to detain "combatants," SCOTUS said yes. On the practical question on whether detainees can challenge their detention in court, SCOTUS said yes. They ruled the same way for the Gitmo detainees. They passed on Padilla, saying his challenge to his detention was brought in the wrong court (NY federal instead of S. Carolina federal).
Although Bush will try to play this as a victory, this is a total disaster from their perspective.