As you read this, I'll be doing this:
Today is the Best of the Bay Century, so I've got over 113 miles and 10,000 feet of climbing on some of the most gorgeous roads in the (SF-area) East Bay (including the one above, known as part of the Three Bears Loop). All of my training is leading up to Death Ride in three weeks -- 129 miles, 15,000 feet of climbing in the California Sierras, all of it at altitude (lowest point, 5,500 feet).
When you guys see me in Vegas, I'll either be triumphant or defeated. My ride today will go a long ways toward determining whether my fitness is where it needs to be.
But enough about me and my bike. You guys are here for some good ol' fashioned hate. It's below the fold.
Israel and jew control of the US
What's wrong with you and your blog? Is your real name Jew Jewenstein? Are you taking kickbacks from AIPAC? If not, then why is your blog uncritically pro-Israel? Sure, you have a few hippie morons whining about how Israel is "like, apartheid, or something, you know, dude". But your blog is and remains staunchly pro-Israel and it is wrong. The facts are in: Israel BRUTALLY AND INTENTIONALLY BUTCHERED UN ARMED PEACE ACTIVISTS DELIVERING HUMANITARIAN AID TO STARVING CIVILIANS. And you can't find it in you to genuinely attack Israel. Not just the blockade, but the totality of Israel, a supremacist state and ILLEGAL occupying entity. Israel is the biggest threat to US security, not the Hamas, who are basically just a really radicalized and often violent version of the boy scouts. Israel makes the entire arab world hostile to us and our interests, and this poison should be cleansed from our collective body.
What's really fucked up is that our foreign policy, our entertainment industry (which shapes foreign policy) and our financial industry (which both shapes and funds foreign policy) are controlled by jews. These jews represent maybe two percent of the population but they wield sixty percent of all power. Is that fair or proportional? What I'm suggesting is a law that would exlude all current and future jews from the congress and the senate. To get around the constitution, the law would exlude those who have "dual loyalties" (to Israel and the US), not specifically "jews". And to avoid partisanship, the law would specify that the parties of the exluded representatives would get to choose their successors. This wouldn't, of course, remove the stranglehold the jews have on the economy, but maybe, just maybe, it would bring our foreign policy a bit closer to reality and something resembling justice.
And I would also like to note for the record that I'm not an anti-semite. An anti-semite is defined as someone who hates jews for who they are. I do not. I hate what the jews have done to this country and to Palestinians. I hate being basically under jew control (congress, senate, most of the White House, even state and local government). But I do not hate jews as people. In fact, I condemn all violence and vandalism against jews and jew properties. If I saw a jew being attacked on street, I would go to help them. If I saw an injred jew, I would call an ambulance, and so on. And I believe that purging excess jew influence from the political process would result in a decrease in ACTUAL anti-semitism, as people would no longer be resentful towards the ultra-powerful political jew elite. And it would greatly help with our diplomacy vis-à-vis the arab world. I believe that this could a classic win-win-situation (both for jews and non-jews).
This is one of those rare times I could evoke Godwin's Law, and it would be totally justified.
Your site is Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!
Poorly educated!! in every respect from what I've read. No data, just BS, NO support, just more BS
Can't wait to watch another Republican take office
guess what? YOU DONT KNOW BETTER?????????? And are not smart enough to do better.
Your gonna lose! And it will be big!
So you faggot libs are gonna get crushed in November! Feel good? I sure do! No more dem majority for president Yobama and his scandal tainted White Hizzouse! That probably doesn't matter much since President Porch Monkey and his rappin' crew are all going to be impeached! BTW, how many federal-office-for-political-favors scandals there are right now? Three? Well, who's counting. I think Romanoff and Sestak will be enough to put the Prez in with his homies (in prison, that is). You had it all: president, congres and senate, and now your gonna to lose everything. Why? because you are too far left and too corrupt! Its simple really. America believes in family, yet you push for faggot marriage. America believes in capitalism, yet you push state ownershp of all industries (and how's good old GM doing, BTW?). America believes in fighting our enemies, yet the prez pals around with Hamas and Chavez and kisses Iran's ass. America believes in God, yet you support either muslims or atheists (depending on the situation). And now your gonna go sit back in the kiddies table, where you belong. Next time, you should probably try to be at least to the right of Cuba, if you want to ever see power again. I hope you don't!
But since I can't bear to watch ladies or faggots cry, I'll try to make you feel better. I'm voting for Jerry Brown for governor! How's that! Few reasons: first, for a democrat, Brown was a tolerable governor the first time around (socially far left but his economc policy was pretty centrist) or so I'm told (by pretty reliably conservsative people). second, MEG WHITMAN SUCKS FUCKING ASS! Our candidate should have been Ken Miller, not some center-left closet liberal, so basically I lose nothing if Whitman loses. Not to mention that she is FAT (F.A.T., fattyfat, really fucking fat) and ugly. Politicians should make themselves look at least presentable. I mean, kerry was a total douche and far left moron, but he LOOKED presidential. we have Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and Nikki Haley (mmm...). We don't need some assfaced fatty who looks like a brain damaged hippo wearing a wig. She is a democrat at heart and that's where she belongs, with all the other fatties, trucker lesbians and other chicks who couldnt get laid if their pussies cured cancer (hell, even you look hotter than 90% of democrat "women"). Let me tell you this, Markook my boy: When you score lower on the Fuckability scale than your 70-YEAR OLD MALE OPPONENT, your in pretty deep shit (hear that, Whitman?).So for the first and probably only time I'm voting for a democrat. Enjoy it while it lasts, cause after November you'll be livng in a cardboard box.
So this butch manly-man homo-hating Republican is voting for Jerry Brown because he'd rather fuck him than Meg Whitman? Got it!
let me be clear...let me be clear
Obama is going to try to convince THE INTELLIGENT AMERICAN PEOPLE that 'HE IS ON IT'! He needs to get his MESSAGE right ( after 55 plus days) of totally screwing it up. We all know now that Obama is slow and it takes a whole bunch of times for his telepromters to get the message CLEAR.... LET ME CLEAR THE TELEPROMPTER ...SAYS ...BUT IT AND HE IS NEVER CLEAR....From DAY 1.....No bama boy, you were not around since DAY 1 and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. HE IS AN IDIOT..
I don't get it. Can you clarify?
just a comment
I just recently discovered all this "interesting" information on your website and I have concluded one is YOU and people like you that are responsible for my ripping up my DEMO-NUT card and becoming a PROUD REPUBLICAN! There is nothing more dangerous to America than a rabid left wing liberal. Well maybe a crazy jihadist with a bomb strapped to his chest; but you haven't figured that out yet and probably you never will. Idiot.
Dude, where have you been? A crazy jihadist might be able to kill some people, but liberals would provide (true) universal single-payer healthcare, work toward peace on earth, spread tolerance and equality of opportunity, hold greedy corporations accountable for their looting of America, work to replace fossil fuels with clean renewal energy, create a fair and sane immigration policy, and even the negotiating playing field between workers and big business.
Do you still think that crazy jihadist is more dangerous to your demented American utopia?
By the way, there was a bunch more of the closeted "you are so gay that I want to shove my dick in your mouth" emails, but I've grown bored of them and decided to skip them this week.