The draconian nature of the "starve the beast" agenda has been laid out by unelected Alan Greenspan. While George W Bush Jr. has been making the case for his being elected Pope of the United States, Greenspan has urged congress to close off the hopes of homeownership for the middle class, and to starve the senior citizens of their social security.
Not one word about tax increases was mentioned, nor about balancing the budget. The fix is in: this must be stopped, this time, this election, or not at all.
Your best career plan these days? Commit suicide and hope you come back as someone in a developing country. Second best career plan? Don't get old. Third best? Become a Republican lobbyist who absolutely toes the line.
Other than that? Well, you might go back to school and train to be a spatula engineer.
With more and more indicators showing that the huge borrow and squander binge of the last 2 years topping out, and more and more signs of insolvency in the general revenue - bloated by inefficient use of resources and war without end spend - the Republican leadership has set its sites on liquidating the old as the way to balance the budget.
Lower wages, shorter life expectancies - and higher taxes as well as higher health care costs.
America voted for less, and now they are about to get it, good and hard.