Meet Andrew C. McCarthy, another keyboard commando who loves torture and hates Muslims. (P.S. Liberals, you are conspiring with Islamo-fascists to destroy America just like you did with the Commies!). Just imagine how thrilled this sofa samurai to learn of the the plans for the construction of Cordoba House, an Islamic cultural center and mosque two blocks away from Ground Zero. Andrew allegedly went to law school. Watch below the fold as the insidious power of Islam causes Andrew to forget everything he ever learned there.
Andrew of course doesn't like the idea of a mosque at Ground Zero. Church, yes, but mosque, no. Here's why:
In truth, Communism is a comprehensive political, social, and economic system with its own authoritarian legal framework, socialist legality, which aspires to govern all aspects of life.
Oops, a typo! Dang, how did that happen? Musta got my rightwing bogeypersons confused! Corrected version:
In truth, Islam is a comprehensive political, social, and economic system with its own authoritarian legal framework, sharia, which aspires to govern all aspects of life.
But wait, there's more!
The Ground Zero mosque project is not about religious tolerance. We permit thousands of mosques in our country, and Islam is not a religion. Islam is an ideology that has some spiritual elements, but strives for authoritarian control of every aspect of human life — social, political, and economic. The Ground Zero mosque project is a stealth step in the "Grand Jihad," the term used by the Muslim Brotherhood and its confederates for what they describe as a "civilizational" battle to destroy the U.S. and the West from within, by sabotage.
Since brother Andrew seems to have swapped brains with Abbie Normal, let's get an 8 second lesson in constitutional law:
- The United States does not "permit" mosques to be built to any greater or lesser degree than it "permits" churches, synagogues or temples to be built. There is actually a constitutional right to build a place of worship, provided that ordinary building codes applicable to all structures are complied with. This comes from the 1st Amendment, which, for the reference of Anthony Scalia and the rest of the gun nuts, is just before the 2nd Amendment;
- Ideology" is also protected by the First Amendment, and what religion doesn't claim universal application?
- This is country isn't founded on religious "toleration", which basically means that if my beliefs don't offend you, you'll let me stick around. Iran for example is a country which has religious toleration. One can be a Christian (but skip that evangelizing stuff!) or even a Jew in Iran, but one cannot be a Bahai. The United States however is organized completely differently, and is based on religious "freedom", which means that I believe in any religion, no religion, or make up my own religion, and if my beliefs are offensive to you, Andrew McCarthy, well, tough.
Andrew then moves on to Plan B:
The Ground Zero project to erect a monument to sharia overlooking the crater where the World Trade Center once stood, and where thousands were slaughtered, is not a test of America’s commitment to religious liberty. America already has thousands of mosques and Islamic centers, including scores in the New York area — though Islam does not allow non-Muslims even to enter its crown-jewel cities of Mecca and Medina, much less to build churches or synagogues.
See, if Saudi Arabia is a barbarous and intolerant dictatorship, we should be one too! To save time, let's just skip to the Cliff Notes version of McCarthy's torture the Jihadis philosophy:
This was the unbounded power of eloquence--of words--of burning noble words. There were no practical hints to interrupt the magic current of phrases, unless a kind of note at the foot of the last page, scrawled evidently much later, in an unsteady hand, may be regarded as the exposition of a method. It was very simple, and at the end of that moving appeal to every altruistic sentiment it blazed at you, luminous and terrifying, like a flash of lightning in a serene sky:
'Exterminate all the brutes!'