From @Symbolman and @jsigwart from Take Back The Media, authors of Going Rouge: The Sarah Palin Rogue Coloring & Activity Book
Helter Skelter is Bought and Paid For: Racial and Religious Intolerance being sold like cheap cars.
The "911 Mosque" debacle is being pimped by a lobbyist front with a cast of familiar characters, Liz Cheney, Bill Kristol, FOX News, The Project for a New American Century - who brought us TWO Wars for Profit.
Follow the money. Pay Attention. This goes Deep.
After some investigation, here's what we found...
It started when a friend sent us an email asking who owned this site:
911 Families for America
A Whois check returned a site with protected information, making it anonymous, but registered at
In fact, we noticed all of these sites were registered at GoDaddy:
Coincidence? It appears all of these sites have ties to each other.
We researched into the people running the 911 Families for America site:
Tim Sumner, a Retired Army Sgt. whose wife's brother was NYFD who died on 9/11. and Debra Burlingame, the sister of pilot of flight 77 that flew into Tower.
Debra Berlingame also is a founder of the site Keep America Safe, along with Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol.
You can follow Tim Sumner's Twitter stream here: He tweet frequently about their "coalition website partner," - whose domain name was bought and paid for by The Center For Security Policy. A Lobbyist Firm in Washington DC.
The President is Frank Gaffney, King of the Birthers, working for Racial and Religious Intolerance, and against the President Obama.
Center for Security Policy
From Wikipedia:
a Washington, D.C. think tank that focuses on national security issues. The Center was founded in 1988 by Frank Gaffney, Jr., a Reagan-era Defense Department official and former aide to Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson. The CSP advocates neoconservative and Wilsonian policies based on a philosophy of "Peace through Strength". CSP states that this belief emerges from their claim that "international peace is most likely achieved, and America most secure, when our nation is strong and engaged with our key allies in ensuring freedom and democracy throughout the world."
CSP is a non-profit organization and describes itself as non-partisan. CSP specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that it believes are vital to American security and then seeking to ensure that such issues are the subject of both focused examination and effective action.
Frank Gaffney is the president, and was paid a salary of $288,300 in 2008 by the organization as reported on their Federal form 990. From Wikipedia:
Gaffney was one of 25 signatories[8] of the June 3, 1997 "Statement of Principles" from the Project for the New American Century,[9] an educational and political advocacy organization whose stated goal was "to promote American global leadership."
In 2003, Gaffney called on the United States military to "take out" the Al Jazeera news network for inciting violence against the Western world by showcasing Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein's "calls-to-arms."
In October 2008, Gaffney questioned whether then Senator Barack Obama of Illinois is a "natural born citizen of the United States" and his legal eligibility to be the President of the United States.
In a February 2009 Washington Times column, Gaffney accused President Obama of "embracing the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood," a militant organization banned throughout the Middle East.[17]
In April 2009, Gaffney appeared on television and accused President Obama of using coded language to indicate that America would submit to Sharialaw.[18]
In a June 9, 2009, Washington Times article Gaffney wrote: "With Mr. Obama's unbelievably ballyhooed address in Cairo Thursday to what he calls "the Muslim world" (hereafter known as "the Speech"), there is mounting evidence that the president not only identifies with Muslims, but actually may still be one himself."[19]
Gaffney continued his "Obama as Crypto-Muslim" theme in another article on February 24, 2010. In his column on Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment blog, Gaffney attacked the administration's plans to modernize and update the missile defense program as "US submission to Islam" from "an Alinsky acolyte", citing as "evidence" the redesigned logo of the Missile Defense Agency.
Center for Security Policy is listed as the owner of the domain
Center for Security Policy
1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Suite 201
Washington, District of Columbia 20006
United States
Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 08-Jun-10
Expires on: 08-Jun-11
Last Updated on: 08-Jun-10
Administrative Contact:
Brim, Christine
Center for Security Policy
1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Suite 201
Washington, District of Columbia 20006
United States
(202) 835-9077 Fax -- (202) 835-9066
Technical Contact:
Brim, Christine
Center for Security Policy
1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Suite 201
Washington, District of Columbia 20006
United States
(202) 835-9077 Fax -- (202) 835-9066
Domain servers in listed order:
Take a look at the fruits of his, and other's labors (Sarah Palin), in this video: where a man who works at the 911 site as a carpenter is nearly attacked by a crowd, mistaken as a MUSLIM. Some mistake. Was it tattooed on his forehead?
This is how they initiate the destruction of American ideals and laws in order to undercut the Majority of this country who believe in tolerance, and to create the "Otherness" neccessary to promote racism, and dehumanize the President. It's all the Republican Party as plundering corporatists, and their splinter group, The Tea Party, have to run on, screaming Fire in a crowded Theatre, after screaming Terrorists Outside to herd everyone inside.
Debra Burlingame - sister of pilot of flight 77 that flew into Tower. While we all feel for her pain, perhaps she should seek counseling for her mental state instead of being interviewed by FOX News and spewing nonsense.
Let's not forget that FOX News is beholden to their pals for the paychecks, they're funded by Saudis, curiously the same folks who flew planes into the twin towers.
You might say that Sarah Palin is "palin' around with terrorists", just like the rest of FOX News.
Maddow explained the magical and incestuous relationship of the Tea Parties - guess what folks, same old same old.
We're being sold out, and for a fee they are releasing the hounds of Intolerance and Bigotry, destroying years of Civil Rights reform to whip into a frenzy anyone ignorant enough to want to attack.
They are fomenting a Race War, it's all they've got.
Be aware.
Additional resources:
UPDATE: Hat tip to bondibox, who pointed out the Center for Security Policy's domain name was registered ONE MONTH before September 11, 2001. Interesting yet creepy coincidence?