Remember President Truman? He's famous for having on his desk a
sign which read "The buck stops here". He accepted that, as President, he was ultimately responsible.
Needless to say, the current President doesn't have any such sign. But you can buy him one! The Harry S. Truman presidential library sells "the buck stops here" magnets (see the top of this page). And this suggests an amusing stunt: send a message to Bush by buying the President a present. Inundate him with things saying "the buck stops here" as a reminder of his responsibilities. And make sure the media knows about it.
So, give the gift of responsibility. Order a fridge magnet, and have it sent to:
President George W. Bush
The White House
Washington, D.C.
(If you're curious, the title for this piece comes from Bruce Sterling's short story, Maneki Neko)