The Party of No Ideas, does have a few recurring themes --
They want the Car Keys back, so they can do to us AGAIN, what they did to us, BEFORE ...
Obama to GOP: 'You can't have the keys back!'
By Matt DeLong, WashingtonPost -- August 3, 2010
The president said the Republican Party lack one "single, solitary new idea" and are "betting on amnesia" to help them in November.
During a bit that drew hearty laughs from the Democratic audience, he likened the GOP to a driver who has gone into a ditch, and after not helping to push the car out, demands the keys back.
"You can't have the keys back," Obama exclaimed. "You don't know how to drive!"
And the faux issue the GOP wants to hang there hat on is the Sunset Provision on the Bush Tax Cut -- the Sunset Provision the Republican Party VOTE FOR! the first time around ...
The GOP must of had their fingers crossed then, when they made the Sunset promise for 10 years hence ...
The GOP must have their eyes crossed now, since they keep calling this "the Obama Tax increase on Everyone" ... Maybe they should check their Facts first, or perhaps check their rhetoric at the door?
White House: Roll Back Tax Cuts On Rich, Not Middle Class, VERTEXNews
Washington, DC -- White House spokesman Robert Gibbs defends President Obama's call to let Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire this year.
In his daily briefing, Gibbs insisted that current tax rates for the middle class should be extended.
Afterall the Middle Class needs the help NOW -- NOT the Friends of Bush country club crowd -- the "Have Mores"!
Of course one of the chief "trial-ballooners" of the GOP, has a contrary point of view on this Taxes Issue -- surprise, surprise ... not really, they want those cars keys, whatever it takes ...
Geithner on Bush-era tax cuts: Extend for middle class, not the wealthy
Trish LaMonte, -- August 03, 2010
While many Republicans are pushing for an extension of all the cuts, President Obama and many of his fellow Democrats are in favor of extending cuts only for those earning less than $200,000 a year ($250,000 for families).
In an interview on ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he supports President Obama's position.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has said it would be "crazy" to raise taxes during these tough economic times. "The people you hit the hardest at $250,000 are small businesses. The people who hire the most people in America are small businesses," Gingrich said.
OMG -- NOW those Obstructionists WANT TO Help Small Businesses!? Give me a break!
Why then, did they just block the Bill that WOULD HAVE have Helped Small Businesses with easier Credit, NOW?
WHY? -- because if a NO-fer's Lips are moving -- they're simply trying out a new Talking Point hoodwink!
Besides if Gingrich is right in his "Tax Cut=Jobs" assertion -- then can he answer me this?
If the Bush Tax Cuts for the Top 2% are the key to Job Creation --
Why didn't they create more Jobs than they did?
Why aren't they creating more Jobs NOW -- since they haven't even "sunset" yet?
If the Bush Tax Cuts are such powerful medicine -- why did they have such meager beneficial results, during W's 8 years of give aways to the Wealthy?
Job creation by term
U.S. president | Party | Term years | Start jobs (in thousands) | End jobs (in thousands) | created (in millions) | Average annual increase |
George W. Bush | R | 2001-2005 | 132,469 | 132,453 | -0.02 | -0.003% |
George W. Bush | R | 2005-2009 | 132,453 | 133,549 | +1.1 | +0.2% |
Numbers for U.S. total employment and other statistics are available at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
133,549,000 - 132,469,000 = 1,080,000 net jobs created by the Bush Tax Cuts.
By contrast, Bill Clinton had
132,469,000 - 109,725,000 = 22,744,000 net jobs created, by the end of his 2 terms.
Hmmm? seems like Tax Cuts for the Top 2% may actually cause the Country to Lose Jobs!
We NEED to rollback the Bush Tax Cuts NOW -- IF we want to Create Jobs, like the country did during the previous 8 years of a Democratic President.
Maybe Taxes Cut for the Top 2% -- simply increases the Bank Accounts of the Top 2% ???
Mr. Gingrich? Ever consider that as a possibility? -- it's kind of what the Labor Stats evidence shows.
Of course not -- the GOP don't need No stinkin' Facts -- They Just Need the Car Keys -- AGAIN!
They've learned their Lesson now -- just Trust them!