Okay... just thinking out loud here.
I would certainly would appreciate some feedback from people:
Do you think that it would behoove us to get a SHORT WAVE radio program going?
Update [2005-5-6 10:5:40 by letsfight]: D'oh, I had written satellite radio as if it were the same as SHORT WAVE... will attempt to correct the diary accordingly.
More after the fold
- We have a theocratic fascist state emerging.
- Yes, we have the internet.
- No, I don't think that the fascists will allow us free reign of the liberal internet 'connection' for long. (Just look at the boldness with which they are creating insane policies.. without a care in the world for what the opposition thinks. Sheesh, the FDA is fixing to ban gay's from donating sperm, for god's sakes. The list is long.. no need to regurgitate it here).
- How will the opposition connect with each other? media== gone to the dark side. The internet, I fear, will either be unavailable in its present form or will be too dangerous to use (tracking by fascists). Phones will be tapped as a matter of routine. The TIPS program will be in full force.
- Satellite Radio. Can't be controlled or regulated or tracked by the bastard fascists. Available to anyone with a simple SHORT WAVE radio.
- A ham SHORT WAVE radio broadcast can be carried out from anyplace on the earth. (Good for a band of rogue patriots who can move around at will).
- Initially, broadcasts can be web cast as well as broadcast via traditional SHORT WAVE channels.
- Name of broadcast: Probably don't want to reveal that here!
- Pondering this a bit:
I have been thinking about this for a couple of years. I expect the worst. I expect the need for an insurgency by thinking Americans. After some ominous event, I expect a sudden scramble by 'us' to figure out how to connect and work together... not just to inspire a take-back of the government, but to be able to create coops to get our basic needs met.
I look at the elections as seemingly fixed (given the hubris of this administration and the rapid rate of fascist policy implementation; they don't seem to act like they have much to lose).
I look at the economy and where it is headed.
I look at peak oil.
And, with all of that, I don't see how we can be a functioning democracy (albeit delusionally so) as close as five years from now. And I don't see myself and millions of other thinking americans just laying back and `taking it.' So, how in the world do we expect to connect and coop for our need?
I really want some feedback on this. I am not one to get caught with my pants down. And I will be damned if I am going to get railroaded by these fascists bastards.