REDACTED items abound here - as the issue remains
- The mysterious death of John Wheeler III.
Who Jack was in life is enough to raise the eyebrows of conspiracy theorists worldwide.
The NY Times published a story Remains of Ex-Officer are found in landfill ; as the times stipulates - "He [Jack Wheeler] was a graduate of West Point, Harvard Business School and Yale Law School, -- special assistant to the secretary of the Air Force in the administration of President George W. Bush".
But John [Jack]P. Wheeler shall be well immortalized in history for being the spearhead who pushed for funding of the Vietnam Memorial in DC. Philanthropy Today on Jack Wheeler case
Yahoo News has this story from The Daily Beast on Wheeler
Daily Beast John Wheeler Murder Mystery stor
where the story states;
"John was one of the few people who understood what a central role the memorial would play in the nation's healing," said Richard F. "Rick" Weidman, executive director for Policy and Government Affairs at the Vietnam Veterans of America. "He was one of the core of people who made it happen."
Wheeler, who his close friends knew as Jack, reportedly had earned TS/SCI (Top Secret / Special Compartmentalized Information) clearance during his most recent government job, special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force during the administration of George W. Bush.
But the most important issue today is "How did John Wheeler die"?
The Daily Beast opened up with the correct reflection by Christine Pelisek and Pat Wingert on what happened;
The murder reads like a spy novel: An ex-Pentagon official is found dead in a landfill, three days after disappearing between Washington and Wilmington.
What we do know for sure - is there will be intense pressure to solve this case immediately; because of the following of persons such as Vietnam Veterans who are beholden to John Wheeler's tenacity in getting the memorial project complete.
John Wheeler was a strong cuss; who stood tall against any foe. If anyone or two common men tried to make his death appear to be suicide; they would have found a tenacious brute unwilling to go quietly into the night!
Will his murder be truly solved - and the true facts thereof revealed?
Regardless of all the specious issues - John P Wheeler was a true American Patriotic Hero. He lived his life with dedication and tenacity that we should all be envious of.
Current efforts by J P Wheeler was to renew ROTC on college campuses.
The Atlantic quotes one of John [Jack] Wheeler's friends as saying nothing but good about him in the The Atlantic story on J P Wheeler ;
He was a complicated man of very intense (and sometimes changeable) friendships, passions, and causes. His most recent crusade was to bring ROTC back to elite campuses, as noted here. That is what I was corresponding with him about in recent months. To be within email range of Jack was to look forward to frequent, lengthy, often urgent-sounding and often overwrought dispatches on the state of the struggle. Late at night on Christmas Day, I was surprised to see this simple note from him:
>>Jim, Merry Christmas, Old Friend. Onward and upward.
Jack<< <br>I replied -- thank goodness!, I now think -- and assumed I would hear more from him soon on the ROTC struggle.