A spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid takes aim at proposed Republican spending plans that would decimate Social Secuirty.
“We have to be smart about cutting government spending. Democrats want to reduce spending by cutting waste and excess like government giveaways to oil companies, but Republicans are already pushing extreme measures like privatizing or making deep cuts in Social Security. In the last twenty-four hours, one leading Republican proposed raising the retirement age not once, but ‘every several years.’ And Fox News is reporting that Social Security is next up on Sen. Rand Paul’s chopping block, right after aid to Israel.
“At the same time that Republicans are threatening to undermine Social Security, they are defending $20 billion in government giveaways to oil companies that are raking in record profits, arguing that these handouts should be off the table when it comes to spending cuts. Democrats believe Republicans have their priorities backwards. We should be getting spending under control by cutting waste and excess, while protecting benefits like Social Security that Americans have earned, and that support our economy.”
Sen. Richard Shelby's brilliant plan to keep raising the retirement age until after everyone is dead was included in the list of proposals highlighted, along with Sen. Rand Paul's promise to put Social Security "on the chopping block," and Reps. Paul Ryan's and Eric Cantor's "roadmap" to privatization.
So far, Reid has been steadfast in standing against any kind of cut to Social Security. Where there's a question in Senate leadership is with Sen. Dick Durbin, a member of the Simpson-Bowles commission who supported its recommendations (though they were unofficial), and who is generally regarded as a close ally of President Obama. We've seen a White House that is keeping changes to Social Security on the table, without ruling out much beyond privatization.
Meanwhile, in the House, Steny Hoyer and John Boehner sat down in their ergonomic office chairs and agreed that everyone can work until they're 70. Reid is going to have his work cut out for him.