John Boehner spent most of 2010 asking, "Where are the jobs," but now that Republicans have control of the House, he doesn't care. Speaking to reporters today, Boehner dismissed concern that GOP-proposed spending cuts would cost federal employees their jobs:
"In the last two years, under President Obama, the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs," Boehner said. "If some of those jobs are lost so be it. We're broke."
Boehner offered no proof for his claim of 200,000 being added to the federal payroll.
And in other news:
A new fight is brewing on Capitol Hill over plans to build an alternate engine for the Joint Strike Fighter. And this time, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is appealing to new, fiscally minded conservatives in Congress to help him kill the project.
Gates calls it an opportunity to save the taxpayers $3 billion. John Boehner is silent on the issue. And the alternate engine for the Joint Strike Fighter would be built in Boehner's district.
Apparently we're not entirely broke.