This man has an insatiable appetite for destroying Florida's middle class, just one day after insulting the Florida Black Caucus he rejected a 2.4 billion dollar rail project that would have connected Orlando and Tampa and eventually Miami.
Rick Scott is already making state workers, who haven't seen a pay raise in 5 years, take 5% hit on their pay to contribute to their pensions and another 5% to cover medical costs. He is going to cut 3.5 billion dollar, or 10%, from the education budget after proposing a $675 million tac cut for corporations. Now to cap it all off, he rejected the nations first high speed rail project which the federal government would have mostly paid for.
From the St. Pete Times
Gov. Rick Scott announced Wednesday that he's rejecting federal funding for high-speed rail.
"I'm not comfortable this is a project we should be doing," Scott said at a hastily called news conference in Tallahassee after a phone conversation with U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.
Scott described LaHood's reaction as "disappointed."
He is the third tea party governor to reject federal funds to build rail projects in their state. It's amazing how the party of Lincoln who built the intercontinental railroad is now the party that inhibits progress.
Scott said he was not sure high-speed rail would bring taxpayers a return on their investment and he felt money would be better spent on state highway and seaport improvements.
The rail was intended to connect Tampa, Lakeland and Orlando.
Florida is the third large state to reject the rail funding, joining Ohio and Wisconsin. Florida's share would have been much larger than that of the other two states, at more than $2 billion.