The evidence is in: climate change is real and human activities contibute to it. The evidence is also clear that meat/livestock production is one of the greatest contributors to climate change/global warming
The evidence is clear also regarding the healthfulness of a vegetarian diet and even the conservative group The American Dietetic Association in their 2009 position paper stated:
CHICAGO – The American Dietetic Association has released an updated position paper on vegetarian diets that concludes such diets, if well-planned, are healthful and nutritious for adults, infants, children and adolescents and can help prevent and treat chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.
Eating less meat actually improves health, is economical and saves the planet. It's hard for me to believe that with evidence that compelling more aren't just deciding to give up meat or to at least substantially reduce consumption. There are new studies which may give a reason showing that Meat can be addictive due to it's high fat content. Even meat such as poultry is much higher in fat content than plant protein.
No one says it better than clinical researcher and author Neal Bernard M.D.. Here he is talking about food addiction, how it works and what to do about it. The part about meat begins at about 15:00 but the entire talk is valuable.
From Dr. Bernard:
Americans eat one million animals per hour
You can change your addictive eating habits in three weeks
Meatless Advocates A group for those reducing their consumption of meat for environmental, health, animal rights etc. And who also love good food and sharing recipes and good times!
Macca's Meatless Monday monday series for sharing meatless recipes