ThinkProgress catches Rep. Paul Ryan's incredulous response to Sen. Harry Reid's reality-based assertion that Social Security won't collapse in the next three decades.
I’m boggled. That just boggles my mind.... I would argue, even though, it’s not really a driver of our debt, it’s not a significant part of our debt problems, it would build great confidence, fixing Social Security on a bipartisan basis, because it would tell not only the credit markets that Americans are getting their act together, it would buy us more time and space with them, it would show that our government’s not broken.
How revealing. Ryan doesn't want to secure the future of American retirees. He wants to reassure the markets. So while he recognizes the reality that Social Security doesn't add to the deficit, it needs to be sacrificed to the alter of the global financial markets. And, as TP notes, his "ultimate goal, as explained in his Roadmap for America’s Future, is to simply privatize Social Security, even though such a move wouldn’t put Social Security onto a path to solvency, as money would have to be diverted to the costs of setting up private accounts."
Because Ryan doesn't care about Social Security's solvency, he cares about getting more of our money into the banksters pockets. And the debt? It's just a convenient excuse to keep on redistributing the nation's wealth upward.