If they had to do all over again, a majority of Michigan citizens would vote for 'the Other Guy' ("the Angry Mayor"), instead the 'bait-and-switch guy' they got ("the Nerd") ... according to a new poll:
Snyder's popularity dives to 33 percent in poll
Paul Egan, Detroit News Lansing Bureau -- March 23, 2011
Lansing— A poll released Tuesday shows Gov. Rick Snyder's popularity has plummeted since he unveiled his controversial state budget Feb. 17.
The poll conducted by Public Policy Polling of Raleigh, N.C., shows 33 percent of those surveyed approve of Snyder's performance and 50 percent disapprove.
The pollsters said if the election was repeated today, Bernero would edge out Snyder 47 percent to 45 percent. Snyder defeated Bernero in November by 18 points.
Snyder's budget featured a tax on pensions, a business tax cut of nearly $1.8 billion and sharp cuts to funding for education and cities.
Here's the link to the Poll, which has some interesting Questions, for Michiganders:
Snyder would lose do-over to Bernero for Michigan governor -- March 22, 2011
Public Policy Polling
Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Rick Snyder’s job performance?
Approve ........... 33%
Disapprove....... 50%
Not sure ........... 17%
Q3 Do you think public employees in Michigan should or should not have a right to collective bargaining for wages, benefits, and working environment rules?
Should have a right to collective bargaining.... 59%
Should not........ 32%
Not sure ........... 8%
Q4 Would you support or oppose an amendment to the state constitution guaranteeing the right to collective bargaining?
Support ............ 49%
Oppose ............ 37%
Not sure ........... 14%
Who would of thunk it? A Union State -- should have voted for the Working Class Advocate, instead of the Corporate Stooge. WHAT a painful lesson, for Michigan.
It should be a warning lesson to the Nation ...
And Michigan, your "pain" is only just beginning, as Snyder lays the ground work to begin executing his own Tea Party version of Corporate Takeovers, by "Marshall Law".
Let's hope the Michigan Supreme Court, aren't a bunch of Corporate Stooges too.
'Financial Martial Law' Passes in Michigan
By Kevin Spak, Newser Staff -- Mar 16, 2011
Michigan’s House yesterday passed a controversial bill that will install state-appointed emergency financial managers in troubled cities, giving each the power to do whatever is necessary to balance budgets—including breaking union contracts. One Senate Republican recently promised that the managers would only be sent to communities in need of “financial martial law.”
Even bloggers for Forbes, are looking askance, at Governor Snyder's blatant
Power Grab. The following author claims this "Financial Martial Law" strategy should transcend politics, calling it an American Issue -- not a Party Issue. You know, Us against the Corporate Powers, that would claim ownership over even OUR Quaint Democracy ...
The Michigan Monarchy Legislates Financial Martial Law - Nation Yawns
Rick Ungar, forbes.com -- Mar. 18 201
This week, the Michigan legislature passed – and the governor signed into law – a bill that would permit Governor Rick Snyder to push aside elected city officials and replace them with emergency financial managers in any municipality or school district facing financial difficulties.
The law would include virtually every town and city in the state as those cities that aren’t bankrupt already soon will be once the governor’s proposed budget – which cuts billions in aid to municipalities and school districts – is approved by the legislature.
And yet, in the state of Michigan, the Governor has given himself the absolute right to set aside the will and the vote of the people and install his own viceroys to operate the state’s municipalities.
This is not a Republican, Democrat or Tea Party issue. This is a fundamental American issue and that should be crystal clear to each and every one of us.
And about that "Other Guy" -- the Progressive Mayor from Lansing, he's starting to look pretty good about now. The Majority would NOW Vote Virg into Office if given a chance.
AD: Virg Bernero for Governor - Make Michigan Work Again!
Mayor Virg Bernero Gives Straight-Talk Solutions On The Ed Show
Virg Bernero has a "working class" authenticity, that you just can't fake.
Hopefully if the Snyder Recall effort, can tap into these "Buyer Remorse" poll numbers (especially among Independents), the Citizens of Michigan will get their {second} chance to Vote in someone who will Fight for them and fight for Unions, instead of someone dead set on placating their Corporate Stooge Benefactors, like they got.
Time will tell. Hopefully Michigan has learned its "Tea Party" Lesson.
Hopefully the Nation, can learn from Michigan's Miserable Mistake too.