... and NO, it's not this kind of "Modeling" ...

... It's really much more like this kind of of "Modeling" ...

And these ALEC Clones ARE most likely targeting a State Legislature, Near you ...
[Note: The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is the Corporate-funded Front Group supplying local GOP State Legislatures with the Xerox Copies of dozens of "recommened bills" -- to help them "keep their day jobs".]
The Policy Think Tank guru's at ALEC are targeting the non-blue zones below, offering to give them "some direction" in how they can "best reach" their common GOP-Private Sector objectives:

State legislature (United States) -- From Wikipedia
ALEC -- History
From Clearinghouses to Think Tanks
[...] They began to actively solicit more input from private sector members, seizing upon ALEC's long-time philosophy that the private sector should be an ally rather than an adversary in developing sound public policy.
To date, ALEC's Task Forces have considered, written and approved hundreds of model bills on a wide range of issues, model legislation that will frame the debate today and far into the future. Each year, close to 1,000 bills, based at least in part on ALEC Model Legislation, are introduced in the states. Of these, an average of 20 percent become law.
ALEC's far-reaching national network of state legislators that crosses geographic and political boundaries, and affects all levels of government, is without equal.
Hey rookie Tea Party Rep -- surprise as hell you got Elected!? ... are you asking yourself "Now What?"
Well has ALEC got some help for YOU! you can look smart as a whip -- without even half a clue ... simply follow ALEC's Cookie-Cutter Game Plan -- and YOU too can be a rising Conservative Star! ("Star" template -- available with payment of Lifetime dues.)

Here you go, Tea Party Patriot -- Read This! Break out those Highlighters ... And then Sign Up!
Restore the Balance -- An ALEC Initiative to Restore Federalism in America
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
Limited Government, Free Markets, Federalism
In order to restore the appropriate balance of power between the states and the federal government, ALEC is launching “Restore the Balance: An Initiative to Restore Federalism in America.”
This Initiative will focus on advancing ALEC’s guiding principles of limited government and federalism by providing state legislators model legislation for their states and model resolutions for petitioning the U.S. Congress that will help to protect their states' Tenth Amendment rights.[...]

Here are the targeted areas ALEC is addressing with their "Model Legislation" ... Good Conservative topics, all. Surely you can find one or two to get behind, during your GOP-Tea Party landslide stint:
ALEC -- Model Legislation -- targeted areas:
-- Civil Justice
-- Commerce, Insurance, and Economic Development
-- Education
-- Energy, Environment, and Agriculture
-- Health and Human Services
-- International Relations
-- Public Safety and Elections
-- Tax and Fiscal Policy
-- Telecommunications and Information Technology

ALEC -- has got your back, you Bachman-want-a-bees. Their Ghost-writers are working overtime, just to make you shine!
Surely you can find some state-based ALEC 'solutions' -- that you can hook your wagon up to -- and call your own ...
Why waste time "Re-inventing the Wheel"? Time is Money. You need to Leverage your Time ... ALEC is there to Help!

ALEC -- Model Legislation: some specific plans
Eminent Domain Authority for Federal Lands Act
This Resolution authorizes the state to exercise eminent domain authority on property possessed by the federal government unless the property was acquired by the federal government with the consent of the Legislature and in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.
Sagebrush Rebellion Act
This Resolution establishes a mechanism for the transfer of ownership of unappropriated lands from the federal government to the states.
Resolution Opposing Federal Mandates on Unemployment Insurance
This Resolution opposes forcing states, as a condition of federal funding, to change state unemployment insurance laws. It also counters measures that would change state unemployment insurance into a federally controlled public assistance social welfare program.
Resolution Opposing Federal Takeover of State Election Procedures
This Resolution opposes federal unfunded mandates in the administration of elections.
Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act
This Act states that the legislature may not compel anyone to participate in any health care system or plan. It also prohibits the imposition of penalties or fines on any person for choosing to obtain or decline health care coverage or for participating in any particular health care system or plan.
Hey Conservatives, "Taking you Country BACK" -- has never been Easier!
Just print out those ALEC pdfs, and Act like YOU wrote them ... Don't worry no one will know.

It's a great way to Raise Funds too -- Afterall what Congressperson, can afford to forget about THAT Chore, eh?
Sign up NOW -- and get free -- the Talking Points you need to take the sting out of those tree-hugging EPA Regulations. And you know, your local business community will THANK you THIS one: (This one alone, is worth the Price of Admission.)
EPA's Regulatory Train Wreck: Strategies for State Legislators
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
EPA's Regulatory Train Wreck: Strategies for State Legislators outlines the costs of these major EPA rules [...]
The report also explores more than 15 pieces of ALEC model legislation related to regulatory review and state environmental sovereignty, contains a glossary of Clean Air Act terminology, and includes responses from state environmental officials to the heavy-handed approach of EPA.
As Glenn has taught us, have a good Glossary can take you to "realms of credibility" you never imagined in your wildest "get-rich" dreams.
When you Join ALEC -- you'll be in "good" company:
ALEC -- Board Members
National Chairman -- Rep. Noble Ellington, Louisiana
Board Members
Sen. Curt Bramble, Utah
Rep. Steve McDaniel, Tennessee
Rep. Harold Brubaker, North Carolina
Sen. Ray Merrick, Kansas
Sen. Jim Buck, Indiana
Sen. Bill Raggio, Nevada
Sen. Kent Cravens, New Mexico
Sen. Dean Rhoads, Nevada
Rep. Jim Ellington, Mississippi
Sen. Chip Rogers, Georgia
Sen. Billy Hewes III, Mississippi
Sen. William Seitz, Ohio
Spkr. Bill Howell, Virginia
Rep. Curry Todd, Tennessee
Sen. Owen Johnson, New York
Sen. Susan Wagle, Kansas
Sen. Michael Lamoureux, Arkansas
Find out who your ALEC State Chairmen is -- give em a call, invite them over for Tea.
And the Private Sector is well-represented in ALEC, as the site says. Here's your chance to rub elbows with some real Movers and Shakers:
Private Enterprise Board Members (as of December 1, 2010)
Ms Sano Blocker, Energy Future Holdings
Mr Don Bohn, Johnson & Johnson
Mr Jeff Bond, PhRMA
Mr Bill Carmichael, American Bail Coalition
Mr Derek Crawford, Kraft Foods, Inc.
Mr John Del Giorno, GlaxoSmithKline
Mr Matt Echols, Coca-Cola Company
Mr Jim Epperson, Jr., AT&T Services, Inc.
Mr Michael Hubert, Pfizer Inc
Ms Teresa Jennings, Reed Elsevier, Inc.
Mr Ken Lane, DIAGEO
Mr Kelly Mader, Peabody Energy
Mr Bernie McKay, Intuit, Inc.
Mr Mike Morgan, Koch Industries, Inc.
Mr Kevin Murphy, ExxonMobil Corp.
Mr. Sandra Oliver, Bayer Corporation
Mr David Powers, Reynolds American Inc.
Ms Maggie Sans, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Mr Russell Smoldon, Salt River Project
Mr Toby Spangler, Altria Client Services, Inc.
Mr Roland Spies, State Farm Insurance Co.
Mr Pat Thomas, United Parcel Service
Mr Jerry Watson, Chairman Emeritus
Well What's the down-side of Joining ALEC, you might be wondering ?
Well for one, those dang Bloggers ARE getting wise to the fast-track operation, what with all their focus on Corporate Front Groups lately ...
Source Watch: The American Legislative Exchange Council
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was established in 1973 by Henry Hyde, Lou Barnett, Paul M. Weyrich, the latter of the Free Congress Foundation. The organization has been semi-secretive (makes knowing its members difficult information to find), has been highly influential, has operated quietly in the United States for decades, and received remarkably little scrutiny from journalists, media or members of the public during that time.[1]
Superficially, ALEC’s membership is mostly made up of thousands of state legislators, each of whom pays a nominal membership fee to attend ALEC's retreats and receive model legislation. ALEC’s corporate contributors pay far more to gain access to legislators and distribute to them corporate-crafted legislation.
Thus, while ALEC's membership appears to be mostly from the public sector, the groups funding is almost entirely private sector. In reality, ALEC's public-sector membership dues account for only around one percent of ALEC’s annual revenues. 81.7% of ALEC's income comes from corporations, while just 1.3% comes from legislator dues. [2]
And you know those Citizen Journalists, they tend to track down every link and cross-reference. With the right sort of legal help -- it may become a bit harder to push through the ALEC Model Legislation, than it once was. (ALEC still recommends the "dead of the nite" routine, to avoid undue scrutiny.)

[Source Watch: Citation 2]
ALEC: Ghostwriting the Law for Corporate America
May 2010 -- American Association for Justice
[pg 3]
Behind the scenes at ALEC, the nuts and bolts of lobbying and crafting legislation is done by large corporate defense firm Shook, Hardy & Bacon. A law firm with strong ties to the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, it has long used ALEC’s ability to get a wide swath of state laws enacted to further the interests of its corporate clients.
ALEC’s campaigns and model legislation have run the gamut of issues, but all have either protected or promoted a corporate revenue stream, often at the expense of consumers. For example, ALEC has worked on behalf of:
-- Oil companies to undermine climate change proponents;
-- Pharmaceutical manufacturers, arguing that states should be banned from importing prescription drugs;
-- Telecom firms to block local authorities from offering cheap or free municipally-owned broadband;
-- Insurance companies to prevent state insurance commissioners from requiring insurers to meet strengthened accounting and auditing rules;
-- Big banks, recommending that seniors be forced to give up their homes via reverse mortgages in order to receive Medicaid;
-- The asbestos industry, trying to shut the courthouse door to Americans suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases; and,
-- Enron to deregulate the utility industries, which eventually caused the U.S. to lose what the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) estimated as $5 Trillion in market value.
[pg 16]
Companies and Groups Known to Have Been ALEC Members
-- Abbot Laboratories
-- Air Transport Association of America
-- Alliant Utilities -Interstate Power Company
-- American Council of Life Insurance
-- American Express Company
-- American Plastics Council
-- American Stores-Jewel/OSCO
-- American Trucking Association
-- Amoco Corporation
-- Amway Corporation
-- Arthur Anderson
-- Arizona Public Service
-- Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois
-- Bank of America
-- Baxter Healthcare Corporation
-- Bayer Corporation
-- Bell Atlantic PA
-- BellSouth
-- Blue Cross & Blue Shield Association
-- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
-- The Boeing Company
-- BP America, Inc.
-- Caliber System, Inc.
-- Cargill, Inc.
-- Caterpillar, Inc.
-- Chevron Corporation
-- Chlorine Chemistry Council
-- Chrysler Corporation
-- Cigar Association of America, Inc.
-- Commonwealth Edison Company
-- Coors Brewing Company
-- Deere & Company
-- Distilled Spirits Council
-- DuPont
-- Electricity Consumers Research Council
-- Enron Corporation
-- Environmental Management Corporation
-- Exxon Corporation
-- Fidelity Investments
-- Fruit of the Loom
-- Gaylord Container
-- General Motors Corporation
-- George K. Baum & Company
-- Glaxco Wellcome Inc.
-- Grocery Manufacturers of America
-- GTE Corporation
-- Harris Trust and Savings Bank
-- Hoffman-La Roche, Inc.
-- Illinois Corn Marketing Board
-- Illinois Energy Association
-- Illinois Financial Services Association
-- Illinois Petroleum Council
-- Illinois Power Company
-- Illinois Retail Merchants Association
-- Illinois State Medical Society
-- Inland Steel Industries
-- International Game Technology
-- International Paper
-- Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Inc.
-- LaSalle National Bank
-- Logix Solutions, Inc.
-- McDonalds Corporation
-- MEGA Life & Health Insurance
-- Microsoft Corporation
-- MidAmerican Energy Company
-- Miller Brewing Company
-- Motorola, Inc.
-- Mt. Carmel Public Utility Company
-- National Association of Bail Insurance Companies
-- National Beer Wholesalers Association
-- National Pork Producers Association
-- National Rifle Association
-- Novartis
-- Peoples Energy Corporation
-- Pfizer Inc.
-- Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
-- Pharmacia & Upjohn
-- Philip Morris Corporation
-- Phillips Petroleum Company
-- Rhone-Poulenc Rorer
-- R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
-- R.R. Donnelley & Sons
-- Sara Lee Corporation
-- SBC Communications
-- Sprint / United Telephone Company of Texas
-- State Farm Insurance Companies
-- Steel Recycling Institute
-- Texaco Inc.
-- Tobacco Institute
-- Union Pacific Corporation
-- United Airlines
-- U.S. Generating Company
-- US West, Inc.
-- UST Public Affairs Inc.
-- Wackenhut Corrections
-- Washington Times
-- Wausau Insurance Companies
-- Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
-- Zurich Insurance.
But look on the bright side NEW Tea Party ALEC Member -- currently there IS No Law STOPPING you from trying to push through the ALEC Xerox Paper -- SO get cracking!

Consumers tend to be extremely dense, and slow to catch on, when they are losing out ... While on the other hand, all those potential new Corporate Patrons -- Not so much. They know a "good deal" when they see one. Someone that speaks their language -- Like YOU!
Afterall that's HOW Democracy works in the 21st Century ...
Just ask "Bill" -- he knows the score ...

Bill knows which side is winning ... and as ALEC would put it: 'Jefferson's Federalist Club' tavern buddies would be so proud of what ALEC is up to:
Putting the Corporate-Private Sector BACK in charge -- somewhere in a State, Near You!