This is another clearinghouse diary for discussion and commentary about the ongoing nuclear disaster(s) in Japan. For updated information on news and a timeline of the events following the March 11 Japanese Earthquake, visit the Mothership. The Mothership is updated regularly and also provides a more extensive list of news and data sources, social media, crisis mapping and other relevant information.
If you would like to recommend this diary feel free to do so. All previous liveblogs published to the Japan Nuclear Incident group can be found here. The group also serves as an archive for Coverage@Kos.
The"ROV" (a Remote Operating Vehicle) is a 'child diary' for liveblog coverage of major breaking news stories. (The term was borrowed from the Gulf Watchers coverage of the Deep Water Horizon crisis.)
Given the seriousness of this situation, please use this diary for posting information DIRECTLY Related to coverage of the developing news!
To continue following and participating in the breaking coverage in Japan Nuclear Incidents series, click here and then click the heart icon underneath the profile picture to the Right. This will bring these diaries directly into your personal "stream."
Overview of top news
- peraspera Sunday April, 3 18:47 JST Kyodo, Nikkei, Mainichi The Japanese government indicated that it will be months before the Fukushima plant is no longer releasing radiation.
- h/t ricklewsive Sunday, April 3, 2011 The Japan Times Very good schematic of the leaky pit
- h/t ricklewsive Sat Apr 2, 2011 12:40pm EDT Reuters Patching the crack in the pit leaking radioactive water into the ocean failed. They are going to try soaking the water up with an absorbent polymer.
- h/t stunster 2:26am EDT AP An unnamed TEPCO employee said that damage to the reactors ranges from 25 to 70 percent.
- h/t Just Bob Sat Apr 2, 2011 7:16am BST (2:16am EDT) Reuters
A cracked concrete pit at the #2 reactor was discovered to be leaking. Radiation in the pit is 1,000 millisieverts per hour. TEPCO is going to try repair the crack with concrete.
- h/t ricklewsive April 2, 2:17 JST from
• Advance members of US military radiation team arrives in Japan
• 20-30 years to complete work and return site to empty lot: Japan nuclear engineering professor
11:59 April 1st JST. (combined sources)
• TEPCO acknowledges measuring device's programming error and re-establishes earlier notice that radioactive iodine in the groundwater was 10,000 times the legal limit
• Two International Atomic Energy Agency reactor experts due in Japan this weekend.
• US tankers are using diesel fuel to convert sea water to distilled water to hose onto No. 1 reactor.
• Officials evaluating effectiveness of 400 liters of synthetic resin solution at No. 4 to solidify contaminated dust and prevent radioactive materials from getting airborne as method for use at other reactors.
• TEPCO considers use of 'fake island' as storage space for radioactive water.
• a second test on beef from a village in Fukushima Prefecture determines it does NOT contain excessive radioactive cesium
Recent Events
Regularly Updated Data Sources
@Kos: A database of temperature, pressure, radiation levels, etc readings over time can be found in: The Daiichi Database This is an evolving diary that will be updated regularly.
• Japanese Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
• RSOS Emergency & Disaster information Services - Japan
• Daily Telephone Media Briefings from Union of Concerned Scientists
• The Situation in Japan
• EPA RadNet Map View & EPA's Radiation Air Monitoring
Scribble Live
Fukushima Data Page: Data for all 3 reactors, as well as a good chunk of data over time: pressure, water flow, core nozzle temp, core bottom temp
Japan Municipal Water Charts (in Japanese)
Best News Sources
Kyodo Nuclear News Feed
NHK Japan Live
OilDrum: Fukushima Open Thread - Tue 3/29
Asahi on Facebook
Tepco's webcam
Fukushima Wikispaces
Bloggers for Japan
Google Earth Engine (download required): Radiation Over Japan. Visit Pachube for mapping
Rules of the Road
Due to extensive coverage, Coverage@KOS is including diaries covering two-day periods. All coverage is then archived to the group page.
You can assist us in including relevant diaries by providing links to any postings we may have missed to insure they are included in this coverage. Also, note below if diaries are being reposted to other groups so we can direct readers there as well.
Please be kind to kossacks with bandwidth issues. Please do not post images or videos. Again, many thanks for this.
Remember when posting to the thread: STICK TO THE FACTS. Source and link all new information. (This includes insuring authenticity of twitter sources.) Both the Mothership and the ROVs are for reporting and discussing the developing news. Neither space is for opinions or for editorializing on the subject of nuclear energy.
Follow the Japan Nuclear Incident group for 24/7 coverage. Click on heart next to the group name to follow. After following the group, you can access coverage through your personal stream. To join the group, send an email (sidebar to the right).