Well it looks like Wisconsin´s Katherine Harris wantabe Katherine Nickolaus won´t be abe to steal this election with the same ease Republicans stole the 2000 Presidential Election in Florida. The Winconsin´s Goverment Accountability Boaed has said it won´t certify the election for Supreme Court until it conducts a probe of the way Katherine Nickolaus tallied the votes in Waukesha County.
Wisconsin court race won't be certified without vote probe
"We're going to do a review of the procedures and the records in Waukesha before we certify the statewide results," Haas said.
"It's not that we necessarily expect to find anything criminal. But we want to make sure the public has confidence in the results,"
"We're going to do a review of the procedures and the records in Waukesha before we certify the statewide results," Haas said.
"It's not that we necessarily expect to find anything criminal. But we want to make sure the public has confidence in the results,"
In addition Wisconsin State election officials are descending on Waukesha County to look at how Katherine Nickolaus handled the vote tally.
The head of the state’s Government Accountability Board says his staff members have been dispatched to Waukesha County to review the business process there and verify the reported results in the election for Supreme Court justice.
Wisconsin court race won't be certified without probe
State Elections Director Sends Staff Members to Waukesha County
Then of course is this tidbit about Katherine Nickolaus´close ties to now Justice David Prosser the Republican candidate at the center of the current contravercy in Wisconsin.
Waukesha County clerk served GOP caucus while Prosser oversaw it
On Feb. 20, 1995, she started work with the Assembly Republican caucus, one of four GOP and Democratic legislative groups that were shut down following a criminal investigation into state staffers doing campaign work on state time.
Prosser served as Assembly Speaker in 1995 and 1996, giving him oversight of the GOP caucus in that house.
Nickolaus left the Assembly GOP caucus in December 2001, shortly before it was dissolved in January 2002. She then worked in the office of the Assembly Chief Clerk – that was before Fuller’s time – until May 2002, when she resigned.
Now we´ll get to see if the Wisconsin Supreme court will match the partisanship displaied by the U.S. Supreme Court`s decision in Bush vs Gore. Somehow I doubt the Wisconsin State Supreme court is as corrupt as as the US Supreme Court was and remains today.