Just got an e-mail from my pal Terry. It contains an amazing "Letter to the Ruling Class," supposedly written by Jesse Ventura. Now I'm pretty neutral in my feelings about Jesse Ventura. I searched the search on DK a few ways and found no mention of this letter, so I hope I looked properly and am not duplicating another diary.
This letter, published April 1 -- which makes me a little suspicious but not all the way -- on Jesse's new site, a site which may or may not be legit and written, as far as I can figure, by Jesse as Admin just nails it as to what the 1% have done and I'll publish it right now for your edification.
PS: The comments at the site have been disabled on this letter but are open on other posts, so it's sort of funny but because I like this kind of talk, here it is:
"You control our world. You’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in your wars, die for your causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect you. You’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout your unending greed. We are slaves to your corporations, zombies to your airwaves, servants to your decadence. You’ve stolen our elections, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. You own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. You’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. You’ve monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit… we are bleeding… but we ain’t got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and you will witness our revolution!"
If you wrote this, Jesse, VIVA!