(UPDATE - 4/24/11 It appears the Data Entry Strike Force /Data Defenders have finished entering data for the Democrats threatened by a recall. Wow. By all accounts this was a massive uprising of grass-roots democracy at its finest. Thanks all for the links and for feeding the masses! And if you still have the urge to participate from afar, please give to Wisconsin Progress or the DPW.)
Amazing things have been happening for weeks in Wisconsin. Yesterday was no exception - On April 21, the Government Accountability Board accepted recall petitions for four state senators, one Republican (Alberta Darling) and three Democrats (Jim Holperin, Robert Wirch, and Dave Hansen). If the estimates are correct, these four recall petitions contain the signatures of more than 90,000 eligible Wisconsin voters.
Which means now there's new work to be done - and you can help!
The senators each have 10 days to challenge the sufficiency of the signatures. So the call went out from Wisconsin Progress for volunteers:
Data Entry Strike Force RSVP
According to the Twitterati, this call for action brought 108 people to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin offices yesterday. One hundred and eight! To do the exciting work of checking more than 60,000 signatures, one by one. Shifts are scheduled through the weekend and into next week. I understand that there may soon be ways to help with this work remotely - stay tuned to Wisconsin Progress & the DPW for more on the logistics.
Meanwhile, those volunteers need our support. And what says "Democracy!" more than a pizza from Ian's? Ian's Pizza
First, find out if the volunteers are working. Check this link. (Thanks, Lujane!)
Then give Ian's a call. Tell them you want to make a pizza donation to the volunteers at the DPW (110 King Street, above Ancora Coffee).
And then consider a donation to the fine folks at Wisconsin Progress and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.