For those of you who believe in the War On Christmas and the War On Easter, I advise you to lay off of the O'Reilly and Hannity. You don't have to read this, but just get some fresh air and tell me if you really believe their nonsense.
Depending on where you live, Easter Sunday is tomorrow. Millions of christians will attend service and give thanks to their god for sending his son to die for their sins. I don't believe any of this, but i'm not about to attack those people. We hear it all the time. It usually comes from Newt Gingrich. America is under attack by a secular element (secular being the nice way to say filthy atheist.) That atheists and agnostics and muslims (especially muslims) are threatening to destroy America. Why? Because America is a christian nation. I don't want to go into a history lesson because i'm sure you all know that a lot of the founding fathers were deists. The point is that to my surprise, there is a "War On Easter." The "War On Christmas" has spilled over to this very month. Usually we have to wait until December for Bill O'Reilly to start this crap. Bill O'Reilly first caught my attention with this insanity when he said,
"Because if you look at what happened in Western Europe and Canada, if you can get religion out, then you can pass secular progressive programs, like legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage, because the objection to those things is religious-based, usually"
This is what is going to happen if christians lose the dreaded "War On Christmas?" Legalized drugs, same-sex marriage, and no restrictions on abortion? I'm sure these things will make baby Jesus cry, right? Any sane person should be able to see that this is a tactic that the right is trying to use to christianize the nation. It's not good enough that a majority of people in America are christian, they want EVERYBODY to be christian and their definition of a good christian is one who has no tolerance for differing views. The "War On Christmas" has some very
unpleasant history to it. But just when you think that you don't have to worry about this crap until December, Sean Hannity finds a way to speed up the process. On the Thursday edition of his program, Sean Hannity brought forth the "
War On Easter" and unlike Bill O'Reilly, Hannity's attempt wasn't even funny. Hannity would go on to say,
“It seems that there is a double standard as it relates to Christianity.”
The beautiful thing is that he completely forgot about how when christian extremists commit horrible crimes and burn
Qur'ans he and his right wing buddies pass it off as "a random lunatic." When a muslim commits these acts, they demonize the entire faith. So I agree that there is a double standard, but it's not the way he wants it to be. Now Hannity's only proof that this is happening is worse than his attempt at creating something out of nothing. Lady Gaga and Ricky Gervais. That's it. That is he proof that the secular movement is trying to get rid of Easter. Hannity is trying to protect Easter from being destroyed or stolen or whatever. The big problem with it is that Easter was already stolen. The religious right is trying to defend stolen goods. Easter and Christmas were originally pagan holidays. I'm sure the religious right aren't friends with the pagans.
It is sad when you are told to be tolerant and respectful of other faiths and the people telling you that bulldoze everyone else. It's not all christians who do this. As a matter of fact, christians get demonized by the fundamentalists. They get told that they aren't real christians. If we are going to advance as a society, we must at least try to get along. This doesn't mean that anybody's faith is safe from criticism. I criticize the christian faith and they criticize my atheism. However, we respect each other as people. The religious right does not respect you if you don't share their faith. You must believe in THEIR interpretation of god or you are just like me. A filthy, socialist, progressive heathen who is hellbent on taking over the country. The religious right is not interested in co-existence. They want dominance. They want everybody to be under them. If you're a muslim, jew, buddhist, wiccan, agnostic, or atheist, you have no say-so. If you are a christian who embraces differing views, you go in the same pile.
We must defeat the religious right. We cannot allow them to completely christianize this nation. They scream and warn about Sharia Law, but it's very hypocritical when you have people like David Barton suggests that this nation should be ran according to biblical law. We have news people like Glenn Beck and potential presidential candidates like Mike Huckabee who pal around with this guy. If this country is to move forward, we must indeed move forward and not backwards into the Dark Ages. Or, we don't have to do anything. We can be apathetic to this entire thing. These people are ranting about wars on Christmas and Easter. They know that people will listen and eventually take action. We don't have to do a thing. We can hope it all goes away. However, if we do take an apathetic approach to this, I advise we safeguard our favorite books because those too will be burned. America needs to move into the direction of flying cars (I know. It sounds like The Jetsons) and not into the direction of witchhunts.