Mitt Romney's idea of hanging with 'the folks'
is getting a pit pass at Daytona (Reuters)
Mitt Romney actually said this*:
Barack Obama is facing a financial emergency on a grander scale. Yet his approach has been to engage in one of the biggest peacetime spending binges in American history.
Peacetime? What the hell? Where has he been for the past ten years? I mean, it's one thing to criticize fiscal policies, but to be so out of touch that he doesn't know we're at war is simply mind-blowing.
Perhaps we should be at peace. It certainly would make sense financially. We could save incredible amounts of money by reducing military spending in Afghanistan and Iraq. And just think of all the money we'd have saved if we hadn't spent the last decade fighting those two wars.
But we're not at peace. We're at war. And even though it might not impact Mitt Romney's personal life, it's real. Given that he wants to be commander in chief, it's not too much to ask of him to be aware of that fact.
* To be more precise, he wrote it. This wasn't some off-the-cuff slip. It was in an op-ed in the Manchester Union Leader.