Well, can't say I did not expect to see this but now we know it is here: radiostrontium.
I am NOT assured. The fact that strontium 89 has a relatively short half life is a good indicator that it is from Fukushima (55 days). And if strontium 89 is here in the United States you can bet Strontium 90 is too (EPA says they expect it when they see radiocesium, which has been blanketing the nation for a month in rain and dry deposits).
WHERE is Obama on this disaster? Where is Congress? Where are the protests as we are seeing around the world against nuclear power and its insane means of boiling water for electricity (as per Einstein who said "It's a HELL of a way to boil water?
Radioactive Strontium found in Hilo Hawaii milk (EPA - Reported Today in Forbes)
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Radioactive Strontium Found in Hilo, Hawaii Milk
Apr. 27 2011 - 8:45 am
A radioactive isotope of strontium has been detected in American milk for the first time since Japan’s nuclear disaster—in a sample from Hilo, Hawaii—the Environmental Protection Agency revealed yesterday.
“We have completed our first strontium milk sample analysis and found trace amounts of strontium-89 in a milk sample from Hilo, Hawaii. The level was approximately 27,000 times below the Derived Intervention Level set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,” EPA said in a statement emailed to me yesterday afternoon. EPA posted the test result at epa.gov in a pdf.
EPA found 1.4 picoCuries per liter of strontium-89 in a milk sample collected in Hilo on April 4.
More at url
What troubles me is that they say they have no other results, but if you follow Jeff McMahon's Frobes Blog you will see that there ARE more EPA reports for detection of radio-Strontium.
They (EPA) also say that if they see radio-Cesium they suspect they will find radiostrontium.
This sucks but was not unexpected.
PLEASE send this link along wherever you can (to the Forbes blog) and DEMAND more testing for Strontium radionuclides as this is one of the MOST insidious of the radionuclides we are exposed to.
This si also being dicussed here at the UC Berkeley forum where they are testing for radionuclides, doing a GREAT job, but they do not have the resources to test for radio-Strontium:
http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/... (a valuable resoruce_