Donald Trump (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
and Sarah Palin (Photo: David Shankbone)
On the day that President Obama released his long form birth certificate, it would be criminal not to include deep thoughts from Sarah Palin in our coverage, so ...
“More power to him [Trump]. He’s not just throwing stones from the sidelines, he’s digging in, he’s paying for researchers to find out why President Obama would have spent $2 million to not show his birth certificate.”
Oh, wait. That quote was actually from April 9, when Palin was embracing Trump's race-based birther jihad against the President, and cheerfully peddling the $2 million lie. A lie that:
... has been promoted by World Net Daily, a conservative Web site that has tried its best to fan the flames of the birther movement. In a number of articles, it has speculated that all of the legal fees spent by the Obama campaign since the election have been devoted to defending the president against a series of lawsuits concerning the certificate — all of which have been ultimately dismissed as frivolous.
Speculation that was, what a shock, wrong.
So, what does Palin have to say today, now that the long form birth certificate has been released? Admit she was wrong? Recant the $2 million birther lie? Of course not:
Who knew that birtherism was a White House-created distraction? Watch for more of the same from the establishment GOP as they scramble to distance themselves from the birther garbage they've embraced for more than two years.