Yes birthers, I know you can't eat this image.
But trust me, it really is pizza.
So the
birthers have been reborn: they now think the newly-released long-form birth certificate is a forgery.
Basically their complaint boils down to the fact that PDF files containing images of the copy of the original birth certificate don't actually contain the original birth certificate. That is of course true in much the same way that this picture of pizza isn't really pizza. But just like you wouldn't get very far if you tried to eat a slice of the picture in this post, you shouldn't expect to actually find a physical copy of Obama's original birth certificate inside the digital PDF of the document.
TPM has more:
With Drudge Report's Help, Birthers Latch Onto Phony Forgery Theory
In a predictable turn, conspiracy theorists are now rallying behind a bogus claim that President Obama's long form birth certificate is a Photoshopped forgery -- with a huge helping hand from one of conservative media's biggest names.
The fringe theory's rapid spread within hours of the certificate's release presents almost a perfect example of one of the White House's justifications for taking on the birther issue -- namely, that thanks to the internet, conspiracy theories can migrate quickly from the fringe and into the mainstream if left unchecked.
In this case, it took only hours. The forgery claim appeared to have first started as an offbeat blog post from an Atlanta-based art director at an ad firm, Bryan Michael Nixon, less than two hours after Obama's statement. By the end of the day it had become a headline on Drudge Report, one of the single most trafficked news sites on the internet. The debunked forgery revelation drew thousands of comments on messageboards, migrated to birther and truther conspiracy guru Alex Jones' site, while a video explanation was viewed over 160,000 times on YouTube.
This is of course not a surprise. Even before the latest release, the evidence conclusively proved President Obama was born in the United States—there was no legitimate argument to the contrary. So if you believed he was not born here before the latest evidence, there's no reason to believe you would change your mind, because obviously evidence isn't something that matters to you.
I can't wait to hear what Karl Rove and Jonah Goldberg have to say about this.