John Yoo says President Obama is too afraid of the politics of Guantanamo Bay to capture and interrogate terrorists.
The former Gorge W. Bush administration lawyer, Yoo wrote the infamous torture memos used to justify the "enhanced interrogation techniques" that were a central legacy of Bush's Global War On Terror. He now says that the killing of Osama bin Laden will go down in history as one of President Obama's biggest national security fails.
Yes, folks, it has come to this. Killing Osama bin Laden was a bad idea. John Yoo says so. Because Obama's too weak to torture people at Guantanamo, he told the Seals to kill Osama rather than capture him.
Because just like Khalid Sheik Mohammed didn't do, Osama would also have not told us anything useful when waterboarded - but John Yoo's insatiable lust to serve George W. Bush and the Republicans would have been appeased if only for a moment.
Yoo told Spitzer "that a deliberately small force was sent in" to Abbottabad, Pakistan by the White House because "they don't want to capture high-level al Qaeda leaders."
So that's why Bush never authorized rangers at Tora Bora? Oh, I'm not supposed to remember that, am I, Yoo?
"Capturing [bin Laden] alive would have required the administration to hold and interrogate bin Laden at Guantanamo Bay," Yoo wrote, "something that has given this president allergic reactions bordering on a seizure."
How about we would have brought him back to New York and given him a fair trial without any waterboarding? I am just wondering what the reaction of the GOP would have been to that. I suspect it would have bordered on pants-wetting, but on the damp side of the border.
Is there no way UC Berkeley can find a way to fire this embarrassingly evil man?