They can dish it out but they cannot take it. Yes, TPM is reporting that 41 Republican Representatives of the "superman," Ayn Rand types are running scared and begging President Obama to tell the mean Democrats to stop telling the truth about their votes for the Ryan/Republican budget to destroy Medicare.
Send them the Whaaambulance!
On Tuesday, Kinzinger and 41 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, asking him to rein in Democratic attacks on GOP members who voted for the House budget, which includes a plan to privatize Medicare and cap spending on the program.
TPM: "GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones."
Pathetic losers. Big talk but now they run crying. The truth about many Republicans is that they often are mediocre folks who pretend their limited accomplishments make them "superior."
My experience in life, limited as it is, is that followers of Ayn Rand usually are not the top folks. Just losers pretending.
To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election -- all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.
TPM: "GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones."
Here is the whole letter:
TPM: The Letter
41 Tea Party congressfolks have the vapors. Wait till 2012. They are soon to be ex-congresscritters.
President Barack Obama in his speech about the Ryan Budget:
“There’s nothing serious about a plan that claims to reduce the deficit by spending a trillion dollars on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. And I don’t think there’s anything courageous about asking for sacrifice from those who can least afford it and don’t have any clout on Capitol Hill.”
And in his remarks at the Correspondent's dinner:
Of course, the deficit is a serious issue. That's why Paul Ryan couldn’t be here tonight. His budget has no room for laughter. (Laughter.)
America is wising up and seeing many of these Republican/Tea Party bozos for the losers they are.
Keep up the pressure! The losers are folding.