and progressives placing a higher priority on watching The White House than the GOP candidates trying to move in.
I'm all for rooting out snakes in the grass but the longer this game, where President Barack Obama and all operations put forth by The White House to put a positive spin on the work it does, is a chief concern of the progressive wing of this site and others like it, goes on, the easier it will be for President Barack Obama to lose to a shitty GOP field.
A GOP field that will not only continue doing all of the things progressives don't like, but they will double down, split, and double down again.
What will the argument be then? That we should have elected a true progressive? Tell that to the 99% percent of democrats that don't read or post on democratic, liberal, or progressive blogs.
When I think of Democrats and Democratic Party voters I don't think of activists. I think of the people I see every weekend who I often assume are republicans until they open their mouths and tell me they voted for Obama.
I think of the people that tell me HCR is scary but they trust our president to do the right thing.
I think of people that view politics as secondary to the lives they live, the families they raise, the churches they attend, the jobs they do, and how little it matters whether The White House is trying to get it's message out to the people it shouldn't have to fight with.
The time is coming where we all have to draw our own personal line in the sand. To me that line represents my support for the Democratic Party as a whole and the vast majority of it's voters.
I reject McCarthyism, I reject litmus tests, and I most certainly reject any attempt to paint this President and The White House as an enemy of the Democratic Party.
I also reject the idea that coming in to this election season that it is The White House who we should be watching out for. I can't think of a bigger distraction to advancing the cause of the Democratic Party than that.
Why as Democrats would we be trying to stifle the message of our own parties leader when less than 18 months from now nearly 70,000,000 people are going to line up to vote against him?
The Tea Party has played this sick game with the GOP already and look where they are now. Emboldened by their "mandate" and drunk with power they are attacking the very fabric of our free society and they didn't come to power selling the idea that Obama was a moderate. My best friend who is a Tea Party supporter of gigantic proportions scoffs at the idea of Obama as a moderate. To him Obama is the most liberal president in modern history and socialism is the only possible end result.
We don't want to head down that road, we don't want to stop President Obama from getting his message out, we want to help him.
President Obama and The White House are not our enemies, they are not the ones we should be watching out for. The ones we should be watching out for vote republican and represent the GOP and we should not let ourselves be distracted by anyone trying to take the focus off of the people that are fighting against Democratic Party policies.
I don't mind being called an Obamabot, an apologist, or any number of names that have been assigned to Obama supporters like myself. I'm one of the people clapping louder, I'm one of the people that won't speak ill of President Barack Obama in public.
I am a supporter of the Democratic Party and all people interested in pushing the agenda of the Democratic Party in one direction and one direction only...forward.