Eric Cantor (photo: is protecting the federal treasury
from greedy tornado victims (photo: Eric Thayer/Reuters)
Eric Cantor,
yesterday, saying Congress will only approve emergency funding for tornado victims if the emergency aide is offset by spending cuts elsewhere:
“If there is support for a supplemental, it would be accompanied by support for having pay-fors to that supplemental,” Mr. Cantor, Virginia Republican, told reporters at the Capitol.
Eric Cantor, last year, saying it didn't matter that cutting taxes on the wealthy without "pay-fors" would increase the deficit:
GUTHRIE: I just was wondering if you had any dispute with the notion that it [extending Bush tax cuts for wealthy] does exacerbate the deficit picture?
CANTOR: Well, what I said in the beginning is, if you have less revenues coming in to the federal government, and more expenditures, what does that add up to? Certainly you are going to dig the hole deeper, but you also have to understand if the priority is to get people back to work, is to start growing this economy again, you don’t want to make it more expensive for job creators.
Yes, you don't want to make things more expensive for job creators, whoever they may be. But the people who just experienced a horrific natural disaster? They can go pound sand.