Let's cut taxes (on the rich)
and Medicare (for all)!
Republicans claim they believe our fiscal situation is so dire that we must end Medicare as we know it and replace it with partially-subsidized private insurance, but the only major proposal in their new
jobs plan is to cut the top tax rate to 25% on wealthy individuals and corporations:
Increase American competitiveness to spur investment and create more American jobs by streamlining the tax code and lowering the tax rate for businesses and individuals including small business owners to no more than 25%.
Other than adding hundreds of billions, if not trillions, to our national debt, more tax cuts won't accomplish a single thing. To be fair to Republicans, they do have a few other proposals: they want to increase drilling for oil, reform patents, eliminate many regulations for consumer and environmental protection, and enact trade deals with Columbia, Panama, and South Korea. They say the latter proposal will generate 250,000 jobs, the only specific job figure in their entire plan.
Republicans also say part of their jobs plan is to reduce the national debt. You may ask how that could be possible if they are also planning to cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations. The answer is simple: they plan to decimate Medicaid and eradicate Medicare.
That, in a nutshell, is the Republican economic philosophy: cut taxes on the rich and shift much of the burden for covering health care costs to the poor and the elderly. And the most pathetic thing about it is that it won't even create a single job.