So I have been at the ranch awhile and just recently found out about this Weiner's wiener dust up. I instantly knew it was a joke, for that dude is married to one of the most intelligent and beautiful women in the Village, one Huma Abedin. Not only that, Weiner is a smart man, a savvy man and a modern man.
The kind of man who knows once something is on the internet, it is forever on the internet. This is usually lost on Republicans, like Rep. Weiner's state colleague Rep. Christopher Lee who sent his nudes for the world to see over Craigslist.
But I found it interesting that the reaction to the hacking of Weiner's Twitter account is tepid at most. This is far from the 'popcorn' incident of 2008.
Gov. Palin's Alleged Hacker Indicted; Password Was 'Popcorn'
A 20-year-old student at the University of Tennessee has been indicted for breaking into one of the email accounts of Gov. Sarah Palin and then posting screenshots of personal information obtained there to a public Web-site.
David Kernell, the son of a Democratic state lawmaker, was led into a Knoxville federal court wearing handcuffs and shackles on his ankles today and was released without posting bond, according to the Associated Press.
According to the indictment, Kernell broke into the account,, by using Yahoo's password recovery tool. After researching and correctly answering a series of personal questions from Yahoo, Kernell was allowed to reset the password. He chose 'popcorn,' according to the indictment.
Besides the fact it proved Palin was using offsite email accounts to coordinate government duties, Kernell never sent anything out from the account, just allowed access to it. Unfortunately, he gave such access to / b / on 4Chan, which is like giving a loaded .45 to ginned up monkey.
According to Wikipedia:
Kernell was sentenced on November 12, 2010, to one year plus a day in federal custody,[8] followed by three years of supervised release.[9] The sentencing judge recommended that the custody be served in a halfway house,[8] but the Federal Bureau of Prisons sent him instead to a minimum security prison.[10][11]
And he didn't even send anything out!
So it will be interesting to see if what kind of jail time the Breitbart's hacker gets in the case. Though I am sure it will be slap on the wrist, like that dude who tried to wiretap that Senator in Louisiana.
Just goes to show, Republicans don't care about the rules, because they never apply to them.
Hopefully some court out there will prove me wrong. In the meantime, I'll just make some popcorn over Weiner's wiener prank.