ABC Reports: Congressman has "no plans" to call the police.
CNN - "Weiner refused to answer the question as to whether that was him in the image"
Watch this video of Weiner refusing to answer questions - shocking! His silence speaks volumes. He won't even deny that the image is of him!
Does anyone still believe that this was a hack?
Come on guys. If he was the victim of hacking, why is he being so shady about it? Why is he refusing to talk to the cameras, and is even - as you'll see in the first link - running away from the cameras refusing to answer any questions about the situation.
If Breitbart or one of his minions is behind this, why not have an investigation?
Sexual harassment and hacking are no laughing matters.
Congressman Weiner - I know you've posted here before. If you have any courage and decency, why don't you answer three simple questions:
(1) Why was the college student to whom the tweet was directed at being followed by your account?
(2) Why did you earlier tweet, "thats545inSeattleIthink" right before the tweet went out to the student who lives in Seattle?
(3) Why are you refusing to answer questions about this matter?
10:52 AM PT: An interesting comment from FishFrys - "So what if he did it? What do you care?"
Notice how quickly the tone is changing. No one - and I mean NO ONE still believes that Weiner was hacked.
The cover-up is worse than the crime...