Hamza Ali al-Khatib took part in a demonstration on 29 April that ended up with shooting and bloodshed at a military housing complex at Saida, outside Deraa.
Then the Syrian Gestapo kidnapped him.
"A month had passed by with his family not knowing where he was, or if or when he would be released. He was released to his family as a corpse. Upon examining his body, the signs of torture are very clear."
"When Hamza's mother came to see the body she was only shown his face," said the cousin, who was present at the time.
"We tried to tell the father not to look, but he pulled the blanket back. When he saw Hamza's body he fainted. People ran to help him and some started filming - it was chaos."
Warning: Video is extremely graphic
I didn't want to do this diary. I wanted someone else to do it, someone with the will and the words to write something profound about this madness. But its 2pm now, and the sheer absence of "Syria" on the front page is messing with my head. Youtube is yanking the videos of Hamza's body left and right, presumably because its so graphic. I hated searching for a new link, but people need to see, just like they needed to when Emmett Till's mother left his casket open.
Rest in Peace, Hamza.
God Damn you, Assad.
We are all Hamza Alkhateeb group on Facebook