Breitbart tried his tired old manufactured smear game with Congressman Anthony Weiner a few days ago. Unlike the ACORN smear, which happened in a certain place and with limited witnesses, everyone could see what happened in this virtual setup.
A ferocious response by the blogosphere has made both @AndrewBreitbart and media figures such as @DanaBashCNN and @RandiKayeCNN the butt of endless dick jokes, but this demands remedies beyond mere public scorn.
Breitbart is a serial fabricator and we all know it. CNN has a massive investment in social media, and they expect us to swallow the idea that they couldn’t tell it was a setup.
It’s time to arrange some consequences for these people …
First, a little celebration is in order. This is what Breitbart looks like when he realizes some serious criminal charges are coming and he’s either a co-conspirator or an accessory after the fact to a federal felony.

If this doesn’t get him there is always Indict Breitbart. The wire tap laws in Maryland are clear. He wasn’t there when @JamesOKeefeIII illegally recorded ACORN employees, but this was very likely done on his order. Let’s get James O’Keefe and his attorney across from a prosecutor talking about the difference between three years in prison and ten, then see what Mr. O’Keefe recalls about who’s bright idea the whole thing really was.
This whole event was astonishingly convenient for Clarence Thomas. He dumps some long awaited IRS disclosure, Congressman Weiner has been a relentless critic, and he’s magically sidelined at the perfect time to shut down his ability to call attention to this matter. Unfortunately for our most corrupt Supreme Court Justice, you and I are here, and not only do we protect Congressman Weiner from Breitbart’s continuing criminal enterprise, we make sure that the news is still heard.
Go Google “impeach Clarence Thomas”. 169,000 responses and this is just one of the many clearly worded arguments as to why the House needs to bring articles of impeachment against this rotten little man.
The media heathers, they’re the toughest part.
@DanaBashCNN has a rap sheet a mile long at Media Matters. She’s a straight up corporate shill and CNN likes it that way.
@RandiKayeCNN seems a bit less toxic than Bash, she looks to my uneducated view (I haven’t watched TV in 25+ years) to be more of an airhead/puff piece type as opposed to a political reporter.
Oh, but what's this ...

Media heather Dana Loesch aka @DLoesch, who has been with CNN for just over ninety days, and who appears to have been intimately involved in a computer intrusion crime in the context of manufacturing 'news' aimed at a troublesome Democrat? How in the world is she still employed by CNN?
Here's a link to her crap on CNN. If you want to complain about her on Twitter you can contact @TeamCNN and I guess they route comments internally. There is a fat, juicy CNN feedback page, too.
When you read this, Ms. Loesch, and I know you will, I have a personal request for you. Go get with discredited, disorganized dullards @SwiftRead and @GregWHoward of Twittergate fame, and then show me those pretty, pouty lips of yours saying my name on PJTV again. That's the only TV outlet you are gonna have, honey, because we're going to make it impossible for CNN to keep you ...

Seems an opportune time to pull out this gem from last fall ...

The technical term for this is 'butthurt'.

Oh, geez, he's trying to deny & weasel out of stuff. Here, look for yourself ... the original appearance by @AndrewBreitbart on @RandiKayeCNN's segment.