From Andrea Mitchell on this anemic economy:
This economy is at an epic disaster point.
The housing market ALONE will foreclose on 1 million more homes, so just imagine throwing these homes on top of the homes already on the pile!!
The unemployment number is 9.1%, we are almost at a similar point from 2 YEARS ago!! Why don't D.C. understand we need JOBS!!! And what are they going to do about it!!
Yet, all the talk out of Washington, D.C. is that we must cut, cut, cut and I mean they are talking about one trillion dollars.
How stupid are these politicians!!! And how dumb are the Democrats!!!
The housing market is a damn disaster zone!! The White House with congress have done very little to help people out here. The housing market is dragging this economy DOWN.
On Thursday, President Barack Obama warned House Democrats in a private meeting that the housing situation could drag down the entire economy. His stated concern about foreclosures, however, doesn't match up with the administration's public response.
Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif.) said Obama’s approach to the foreclosure crisis has been "an absolute failure" and predicted it will continue to drag down the economy unless he changes tack.
"For the life of me, I can't figure out why a community organizer who says he cares about families, who says he cares about communities, has just turned his back on one of the biggest problems in America,” said Cardoza, who co-chairs the Democratic Caucus Housing Stabilization Task Force. "The way they get defensive when you point out it's been a failure just underscores to me they don't have a clue about what to do."
Cardoza's central California district has been hit hard by foreclosures. The three cities he represents -- Modesto, Stockton and Merced -- all rank in the top 10 cities with the highest foreclosure rates in the country. Three out of five homeowners in his district are "underwater," owing more on their home loans than their houses are worth.
"I don’t blame [the administration] for causing the housing crisis," Cardoza said. "But at two-and-a-half years in office, if they can't figure out something to do soon that turns us around, I guarantee you they will pay for this at the ballot box.”
(emphasis mine)
No jobs, massive foreclosures, high gas prices, high food prices, with the list running long means people are fed up and they WILL take the blame out at the ballot box.
It is unbelievable, to be a Democrat, looking at the Democratic Party and a Democratic President and they are very non-chalant about this. Sure, not every one, but I don't see many fighting for the middle class here.
If we don't start to see some job creation in this country, the Democrats, along with President Obama will pay at the ballot box. Nobody cares about what Bush did, we all know what he did, the problem is that we elected folks to FIX THE SHIT HE DID and people are not seeing this happening in their lives.
Lastly, there are many who will point the finger at congress. Yes, all of that damn congress is to blame. The Democrats, when in charge who walked tepid. The Republicans who are in charge now and don't give two cents about the working man. The President of the United States, who has not been bold enough when it comes to job creation in this country. Bush created this mess, but Obama has been very slow to fix this mess. And when it is all said and done, the common man and woman, looks at their checkbook and if it is drastically LIGHT (as it is now), they will eventually look to new leadership.
Lastly, this is why we should not expect too much from President Obama, from an exchange with Congressman Waxman:
"He was a little testy with the Waxman question. Essentially, Mr. Waxman was urging him to fight more," one legislator said. "The president reminded folks that he's the president sitting in that chair and he knows how to negotiate."
Obama also told the assembled Democrats not to count on more fiery rhetoric from the Oval Office.
"He said, 'There's a difference between me and a member of Congress,'" another lawmaker said, paraphrasing the president as saying: "When I say something the markets react, all of society reacts, other countries react. I've got to be careful with what I say. I can't just say it for brinkmanship. I've got to say it in a way so that I get what I want said, but I don't upset markets and so on."
Right now we need bold leadership to get us out of this mess, if we keep walking on tepid water the public will eventually rebuke us. And to upset the markets, speaks volumes on what really matters.