At a press conerence just now, Anthony Weiner has accepted responsibility for sending the infamous tweet that has dominated news for the past week. He's also apologized for having misled his supporters and the media by claiming his account had been hacked. Weiner says he's had online relationships with a half-dozen or so women over the years, but that he hasn't met them in person. Weiner says he won't resign over his personal mistakes, embarrassing though they may be.
You can watch the press conference live here.
Update: The fucking media wants Weiner to apologize to Andrew Breitbart, which Weiner delivers. And the fucking media wants to know where his wife is. What assholes.
Update: To be clear, his apology to Andrew Breitbart was part of a general apology to everyone in the media who he misled. Now the media wants to know whether he had what he would call "phone sex." At this point, given that what Weiner did was a personal failure, these questions seem way over the line.
Update: Without condoning Weiner's personal behavior, the amount of media attention this story has received is even more outsized than the photo that started this circus. I'd love to one day hear a politician get questioned this aggressively about a matter of actual substantive importance.
Update: BTW, this whole affair makes me see Paul Ryan's plan to repeal Medicare in a whole new light. Or not.
Update: Let's hope Sarah Palin keeps things in perspective as she plots how to reclaim the media spotlight.