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Vox Frustrati (Vol. 5): More Limericks
This is Vox Frustrati, a voice for progressives everywhere.
Following up on the success of a previous piece devoted to limericks Vox is pleased to offer more original odes, a number of which were sent in by others, together with some priceless verses from Madeline Kane at madkane.com, retold here with her permission. As before, they cover the political landscape. So, sit back, serenely or sadly, smilingly or sorrowfully, sipping sasperella or Smirnoff ®, savoring sanguine stanzas suitably seasoned with sarcasm sublimely spoofing societal stooges and stars scrupulously and stingingly severe in their subjectivity.
Have you heard that the AFLCIO
Thinks it's time for the Dems to go
For if they don't defend
The working man, once their friend
Then at the ballot box they'll all vote hell no!
Said the White House, the Amateur Left
Of sensible views is bereft
But soon POTUS will woo us
Then if re-elected will screw us
Of Progressive goodwill such a theft!
I signed up for the foodbank in town
But Medicaid just turned me down
I'm jobless again
But I'm a partisan Dem
I sure hate letting the President down
Austerity seems a fair plan
To the top 1% of the land
They sit on their wealth
And drink to their health
Then laugh as the shit hits the fan
The Repugs are at it again
Inflicting the maximum pain
Denying formula for babies
Said they can all go to Hades
While their mothers are driven insane
(Editor's Note: The title of the limerick below is "Morning in America")
Tis proving as time marches on
The great communicator was wrong
He mistook in his mind
Two lights of a kind
Twas the dusk that he saw not the dawn
Elizabeth Warren's the best
To put Blankfein and Co. to the test
And his chums the scum banksters
Worse than yesteryear's gangsters
That brave Elliot Ness put to rest
Jamie Dimon complains "It's too tough!"
The billions just aren't enough
We want a vacation
From all regulation
To play by the rules is too rough
Our friend Timothy Geithner said we
Could trade our derivatives for free
We'll add to our stash
Of other people's cash
And continue our gambling with glee!
A new kind of revolving door
With a Pentagon CIA core
And are we now better
With Leon Panetta
Than Petraeus at the Department of War?
Bob Gates on his European tour
As he's on his way out the door
Said NATO must pay
More bucks for the fray
To America's weaponry store
In Yemen now spooks have the drones
They'll call in coordinates by phones
The people they kill
For some it's a thrill
And the Commander in Chief he condones
The following limericks are with permission from Madeline Kane and can be found on the web at madkane.com
The GOP debt-ceiling balkers
Are naught but hypocrisy hawkers.
Their plan adds eight trillion
(Not million or billion)
To the debt in a decade — Big Talkers!
Shall we immunize children? Heck no!
Supply food to the starving? No go!
Cuz Republicans say
That we’re broke ev’ry day,
As they help out the rich on skid row.
Bravo for our hero, dear Bernie.
He’s engaged in a praise-worthy tourney.
He honors the floor—
Shows he’s great to his core.
Wish more Democrats joined in his journey.
Dear Obama, it’s Law 101
That in deal making don’t jump the gun:
Never give stuff away
With the hope that one day
You might get something back — this ain’t done.
Your opponent will simply want more.
He will threaten to walk out the door
Unless you accede
To his limitless greed.
Learn this rule or you never will score.
You claim that you earned a JD.
I’ve got one of my own, so you see
Why I don’t understand
How you fail to demand
Quid pro quo from the damn GOP.
A fellow who thought he knew best
Spurned conflicting opinions with zest—
His perpetual song:
“I am right. You are wrong.”
Self-improvement, it seems, not his quest.
These jocular jewels , jibed jingles, justifiably jest and jeer with journalistic je ne sais quoi, judiciously jabbing gibbering jackass jerkoffs with juicy judgements.
© Vox Frustrati
Do you have something to say? Send it to Vox. We look forward to hearing from you.
Until next time,
Vox Frustrati
Ways to contact Vox Frustrati:
Kosmail: voxfrustrati
Email: voxfrustrati at gmail dot com
Twitter: voxfrustrati
Previous Diaries by Vox Frustrati can be found here.
© Vox Frustrati