NY-09 is a Democratic seat and will probably remain Democratic. But it is within the realm of possibillity that a young up and coming Republican might just beat elder "Wow! I thought he died back in the 90s" statesman or an unknown "I came in third for a city council seat back in 2005" candidate. The downside of picking a weak placeholder is they are by definition weak.
The big question in creating a South Brooklyn district is what it would do to all the incumbents around them since the two black VRA districts lie there. And if Yvette Clarke can't go south she has to start eating into Maloney, Nadler, and more importatly Velazquez territory.
I'm also going under the assumption that partisan balances will be kept the same without deals being made. For example Hotchul gets a Democratic district built for her in exchange for Ulrich getting one. Of course some shifting is inevitable no matter what. Especially with every district having to gain population. But major election shifting changes require a deal between the two parties controling the legislature.
Ann Marie Buerkle in particular is not protected. And I took pains to keep the partisan balance of her district exactly the same. Democrats are not going to accept having a seat with such a Democratic bent sacrificed as a "Republican seat." Same ways Republicans would not accept Hotchul's seat being the sacrificial "Democratic" seat. And unlike Ulrich in this scenario there is no deal in place to protect Buerkle .
Like my last map Long Island is a mess with too many tentacles. Really should've stolen from some of the other redistrictings proposals. But it gets the job done. Bishop gets strengthened. In return King gets strengthened. McCarthy gets divided up really ugly between King, Ackerman, and Israel. Ackerman has her hometown of Mineola and I assume she'd run against him. While Ackerman probably wins... given there is so much new territory added McCarthy at least has a shot to make her case. There is more of her home base in Israel's district though that would seem to be more of an uphill race for her.
Things are also made more ugly further west as Joe Crowley is given carte blanche to make his district entirely Queens and majority white forcing changes in all the districts around him.
I'll be presenting the old information from the old map as computed by Dave's Redistricting App. It'll keep everything consistent since not all New York districts have Obama/McCain numbers on wikipedia.
For reference here are the districts as they currently stand.
And in case anyone finds it useful or wants to see exactly what I'm doing the drf file of this redistricting that you can load in Dave's Redistricting App.
CD 1 - Old CD 1 - Dark Blue
Incumbent: Tim Bishop
Old Obama/McCain vote: 51.4-47.6
New Obama/McCain vote: 54.8-44.2
Old 18+ Demo: 80.0% White, 4.3% Black, 11.2 Hispanic, 3.3% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 68.8% White, 7.1% Black, 20.3 Hispanic, 2.4% Asian

Comment: Bishop gets a bump and goes from someone who needs to be on his toes every year to one that should be safe in all but the worst of years.
CD 2 - Old CD 2 - Green
Incumbent: Steve Israel
Old Obama/McCain vote: 56.1-43.1
New Obama/McCain vote: 57.3-41.9
Old 18+ Demo: 65.4% White, 9.4% Black, 19.3 Hispanic, 4.5% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 67.5% White, 10.9% Black, 14.2 Hispanic,6.0% Asian

Comment: A little safer but a hell of a lot uglier. Taking Israel out of Islip and moving King into some of the most Republican areas of Sussex helped Bishop but with King out of some of the most Republican areas of Nassau some ugly solutions were needed to keep everyone safe and sound including a tentacle to eat up some yummy McCarthy Democrat and having Ackerman adopt some northernwestern Suffolk Republicans
CD 3 - Old CD 3 - Dark Purple
Incumbent: Peter King
Old Obama/McCain vote: 47.2-51.9
New Obama/McCain vote: 43.5-55.6
Old 18+ Demo: 82.3% White, 2.7% Black, 9.1 Hispanic, 4.8% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 85.3% White, 2.0% Black, 7.4 Hispanic, 4.3% Asian

Comments: This district is made of three parts. The five towns/Republican areas of McCarthy's district, the southern core of his old one, and a tentacle up into Smithtown in Suffolk. I originally was going to play around with it some more to get it's partisan balance exactly that of Bishop's but decided not to bother as it's safely Republican either way.
CD 4 - Old CD 5(+4) - Orange
Incumbent: Gary Ackerman
Old Obama/McCain vote: 63.1-36.1
New Obama/McCain vote: 58.8-40.5
Old 18+ Demo: 37.0% White, 4.2% Black, 24.1 Hispanic, 33.0% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 52.9% White, 8.9% Black, 13.8 Hispanic, 22.8% Asian

Comments: Ackerman's district goes out to Suffolk in the east to take some Republicans out of Israel's district and takes in McCarthy Democrats to make up for it in the south. You may notice a little curiousity as he takes in a little bubble into Crowley's district to eat up Asians to Crowley's district can be more white. That actually is kinda what happens already. The partisan balance is closer to that of McCarthy's old district than Ackerman's old district but still more than safe. His district also becomes a lot whiter..
I assume McCarthy would run against Ackerman.
CD 5 - Old CD 7 - Yellow
Incumbent: Sir Aleister Joseph Crowley
Old Obama/McCain vote: 69.3-30.0
New Obama/McCain vote: 64.1-34.9
Old 18+ Demo: 38.4% White, 9.5% Black, 34.2 Hispanic, 16.1% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 50.9% White, 3.6% Black, 18.1 Hispanic, 25.5% Asian

Comments: In some ways Crowley getting the conservative ethnic whites in the Bronx makes more sense than giving them to Maloney. But Crowley is chair of the Queens Democratic Party. And it has to miff him that every two years he has to ask for the endorsement of the Bronx Democratic Party. He'd rather be completely out of the Bronx. And of course he'd love to grab as many whites as he can from Weiner'd district and under this scenario Maloney as well who is forced up to the Bronx instead.
CD 6 - Old CD 7 - Teal
Incumbent: Gregory Meeks
Old Obama/McCain vote: 88.8-10.9
New Obama/McCain vote: 83.0-16.6
Old 18+ Demo: 11.2% White, 49.4% Black, 18.2 Hispanic, 13.2% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 19.5% White, 48.6% Black, 16.1 Hispanic, 10.2% Asian

Comments: Given the amount of population that needed to be added Meeks did very well. He goes a little bit into Nassau due to the needs of his neighbors (Crowley needs whites, King + Ulrich need Republicans, Towns needs a 50%+ Black VRA district).
CD 7 - Old CD 10 - Grey
Incumbent: Edolphus Towns
Old Obama/McCain vote: 91.1-8.6
New Obama/McCain vote: 91.3-8.4
Old 18+ Demo: 17.5% White, 59.5% Black, 16.7 Hispanic, 4.0% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 9.7% White, 53.0% Black, 23.3 Hispanic, 9.2% Asian

Comments: I kept it black majority and took Hakeem Jeffries out of the district. As I am not completely positive where Towns lives in the district hopefully I didn't take him out as well.
CD 8 - Old CD 11 - Dark Purple
Incumbent: Yvette Clarke
Old Obama/McCain vote: 90.5-9.0
New Obama/McCain vote: 91.3-8.4
Old 18+ Demo: 26.6% White, 53.0% Black, 12.5 Hispanic, 5.5% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 24.5% White, 52.1% Black, 17.1 Hispanic, 3.9% Asian

Comments: The expansion of Grimm's district and Ulrich's need for Republican friendly territory helps push Clarke north and west. But the district remains substantially the same.
CD 9 - Old CD 9 - Aqua
Incumbent: Eric Ulrich
Old Obama/McCain vote: 55.3-43.9
New Obama/McCain vote: 44.4-54.9
Old 18+ Demo: 58.7.6% White, 4.4% Black, 16.0 Hispanic, 18.6% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 64.0% White, 4.7% Black, 12.5 Hispanic, 17.1% Asian

Comments: The price for getting a Democratic district out of Hotchul's Republcian one is to create a Republican one out of Ulrich's Democratic one. The Republican bent is perhaps overstated because the very large orthodox Jewish component of this district can swing. Though it's an opportunist swing generated by strong community leaders. There are a large number of Russians who have recently been trending more Republican that represent a potential growth area for Republicans in the district. That said despite being more Republican than Grimm's Staten Island based one this district is probably more likely to flip than Grimm's near 50-50 district if there is an open seat.
CD 10 - Old CD 13 - Magenta
Incumbent: Michael Grimm
Old Obama/McCain vote: 48.7-50.5
New Obama/McCain vote: 49.1-50.1
Old 18+ Demo: 62.5.6% White, 6.2% Black, 14.1 Hispanic, 13.1% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 64.4% White, 6.0% Black, 14.2 Hispanic, 14.0% Asian

Comments: The formation of Ulrich's district prevent Grimm from raising his McCain numbers any further. In fact the Obama numbers in this district actually slightly increase. However this actually is an improvement. In a rematch against McMahon there is plenty of room for McMahon to get votes that went for McCain in 2008 in Orthodox Jewish areas the district loses. Grimm however has the right profile to pick up Italian votes in Bensonhurst that went for Obama in 2008.
The one thing this map won't do however is dissuade McMahon from seeking a rematch with Grimm. And if Obama can pull out the North Shore of Staten Island like he did in 2008 McMahon would have a chance.
CD 11 - Old CD 12 - Light Green
Incumbent: Nydia Velazquez
Old Obama/McCain vote: 86.0-13.1
New Obama/McCain vote: 82.2-17.0
Old 18+ Demo: 30.0% White, 8.0% Black, 41.3 Hispanic, 18.7% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 23.3% White, 5.9% Black, 51.9 Hispanic, 17.1% Asian

Comments: This district isn't Hispanic majority as a favor to Nydia. It is because both Maloney and Crowley want white majority districts. And Ulrich's and Clarke's needs constrict where it can go.
I assume this passes muster in the name of incumbent protection. And that it is probably less ugly and snaking than the one she already has.
CD 12 - Old CD 8 - Light Blue
Incumbent: Jerrold Nadler
Old Obama/McCain vote: 73.7-25.4
New Obama/McCain vote: 85.8-13.2
Old 18+ Demo: 67.1% White, 4.5% Black, 11.3 Hispanic, 15.2% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 60.6% White, 5.8% Black, 14.3 Hispanic, 17.2% Asian

Comments: Nadler "wins" redistricting by getting the district he always wanted. All Manhattan. I wanted to maintain bridge contiguity and that prevented anyone but Maloney exiting to Queens/Brooklyn. Like in my last map I take the white gentrified areas away from Rangel.
CD 13 - Old CD 14 - Light Tan
Incumbent: Carolyn Maloney
Old Obama/McCain vote: 78.2-20.8
New Obama/McCain vote: 77.3-21.9
Old 18+ Demo: 67.0% White, 4.4% Black, 13.0 Hispanic, 13.4% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 59.9% White, 10.4% Black, 18.3 Hispanic, 9.5% Asian

Comments: Maloney loses most of the whitest parts of the Queens portion of her district to Crowley but gains some white areas in Brooklyn from Velazquez. In order to make up for the population she loses in Manhattan and Queens she is forced to travel the Triborough into the Bronx where she travels along the south and takes in the white areas in the east that Crowley used to have.
CD 14 - Old CD 15 - Olive Green
Incumbent: Charlie Rangel
Old Obama/McCain vote: 93.2-6.2
New Obama/McCain vote: 94.1-5.4
Old 18+ Demo: 23.0% White, 26.5% Black, 43.8 Hispanic, 4.7% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 11.1% White, 28.4% Black, 55.6 Hispanic, 3.2% Asian

Comments: Rangel's district is now a Hispanic VRA one. The Inwood section of Manhattan, Washington Heights, and the various "Heights" in the Bronx are not all that different. And this district could see a Bronx based Latino challenger to Rangel in the Democratic primary.
CD 15 - Old CD 16 - Orange
Incumbent: Jose Serrano
Old Obama/McCain vote: 94.7-5.0
New Obama/McCain vote: 92.9-6.8
Old 18+ Demo: 2.8% White, 28.4% Black, 65.0 Hispanic, 1.8% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 5.6% White, 28.2% Black, 60.7 Hispanic, 3.6% Asian

Comments: I included most of the areas in the Bronx his son represents in the state senate figuring that was the best way to guess where he lived.
CD 16 - Old CD 17 - Neon Green
Incumbent: Eliot Engel
Old Obama/McCain vote: 71.8.-27.6
New Obama/McCain vote: 66.3-33.1
Old 18+ Demo: 38.0% White, 30.4% Black, 24.3 Hispanic, 5.1% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 46.5% White, 24.4% Black, 21.7 Hispanic, 5.5% Asian

Comments: A whiter district makes for a happier Elliot Engel even if he has easily survived all the primary challenges he has had to endure since his district stopped being overwelmingly white. His district takes in even more of Rockland County than before. I thought of switching things up for the sakes of aesthetics and having Nita go into Rockland instead but that narrows her Obama/McCain numbers dramatically
CD 17 - Old CD 18 - Slate
Incumbent: Nita Lowey
Old Obama/McCain vote: 61.7.-37.5
New Obama/McCain vote: 63.2-35.9
Old 18+ Demo: 61.8% White, 9.4% Black, 21.0 Hispanic, 6.4% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 61.8% White, 13.5% Black, 17.8 Hispanic, 5.4% Asian

Comments: Nita's district is all Westchester and includes nearly all of Westchester including Nan Hayworth's home in Mt Kisco. Guess whose district is being merged into another one?
CD 18 - Old CD 20(+19) - Yellow
Incumbent: Chris Gibson (or Nan Hayworth)
Old Obama/McCain vote: 50.7.-47.6
New Obama/McCain vote: 48.8-49.9
Old 18+ Demo: 92.5% White, 2.4% Black, 2.7 Hispanic, 1.3% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 82.2% White, 4.6% Black, 9.5 Hispanic, 2.4% Asian

Comments: Chris Gibson's district is thrown together with Nan Hayworth's to create a J. The district is more Republican than either Gibson's or Hayworth's (balanced by William Owen's becoming slightly more Democratic). Hayworth will have to move into the district as her home was placed in Nita Lowey's.
CD 19 - Old CD 22 - Army Green
Incumbent: Maurice Hinchey
Old Obama/McCain vote: 59.2.-39.2
New Obama/McCain vote: 60.2-38.3
Old 18+ Demo: 76.9% White, 8.0% Black, 9.8 Hispanic, 3.4% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 76.8% White, 8.0% Black, 9.5 Hispanic, 3.8% Asian

Comments: Same Kingston to Ithaca district just a bit thinner and includes a bit more Ithaca. This "print screen" generated map shows why I do need to consider finally retiring the old 19 inch crt for something bigger.
CD 20 - Old CD 21 - Pink
Incumbent: Paul Tonko
Old Obama/McCain vote: 58.1.-40.0
New Obama/McCain vote: 58.1-40.0
Old 18+ Demo: 82.2% White, 8.1% Black, 4.3 Hispanic, 3.4% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 82.2% White, 8.0% Black, 4.3 Hispanic, 3.5% Asian

Comments: The district though a little thinner is more or less the same.
CD 21- Old CD 23- Dark Brown
Incumbent: William Owens
Old Obama/McCain vote: 51.7.-46.6
New Obama/McCain vote: 52.3-46.1
Old 18+ Demo: 92.4% White, 2.7% Black, 2.2 Hispanic, 0.9% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 92.0% White, 2.9% Black, 2.4 Hispanic, 0.9% Asian

Comments: Trades some areas with Hanna and Gibson and others and becomes ever so slightly Democratic. And given the thin margins we've had every little bit counts.
CD 22 - Old CD 24 - Light Brown
Incumbent: Richard Hanna
Old Obama/McCain vote: 50.3.-47.9
New Obama/McCain vote: 48.4-49.8
Old 18+ Demo: 91.0% White, 3.5% Black, 2.8 Hispanic, 1.5% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 90.2% White, 3.5% Black, 3.7 Hispanic, 1.4% Asian

Comments: I wanted to keep the Obama/McCain the same but hurting him did too much damage to neighboring districts. So I grudgingly let this one slide.
CD 23 - Old CD 25 - Aqua
Incumbent: Ann Marie Buerkle
Old Obama/McCain vote: 55.7.-42.6
New Obama/McCain vote: 55.7-42.4
Old 18+ Demo: 85.3% White, 7.2% Black, 3.1 Hispanic, 2.5% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 87.0% White, 6.4% Black, 2.6 Hispanic, 2.2% Asian

Comments: Slaughter's district comes right up to Buerkle's and the boundary is at exactly the point where Buerkle's Obama numbers are exactly the same as before. This is a Democratic district and unless the Republicans want to give the Democrats another Republican district we don't sell Maffei down the river (like I mistakenly did on my last map).
CD 24 - Old CD 28 - Purple
Incumbent: Louise Slaughter
Old Obama/McCain vote: 68.4.-30.3
New Obama/McCain vote: 58.0-40.6
Old 18+ Demo: 63.2% White, 26.3% Black, 6.2 Hispanic, 2.3% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 79.1% White, 11.2% Black, 5.1 Hispanic, 3.1% Asian

Comments: Figuring out how to protect Slaughter after giving a good portion of her district to Hochul was tricky. Especially given how much population her district lost anyway and the very Republican areas around it. In one iteration I even drew a tentacle down to Ithaca. The simplest answer was college towns and grabbing the western territory of Buerkle's district.
CD 25 - Old CD 29 - Pink
Incumbent: Tom Reed
Old Obama/McCain vote: 48.2.-50.4
New Obama/McCain vote: 41.9-56.6
Old 18+ Demo: 90.9% White, 3.1% Black, 1.9 Hispanic, 2.4% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 93.7% White, 2.7% Black, 1.7 Hispanic, 0.8% Asian

Comments: This isn't a Republican sink hole. It's a Republican vacuum cleaner making the world safe for the Democrats around it.
CD 26 - Old CD 26 - Grey
Incumbent: Kathleen Hochul
Old Obama/McCain vote: 46.6.-52.0
New Obama/McCain vote: 56.2-42.3
Old 18+ Demo: 90.5% White, 3.7% Black, 3.2 Hispanic, 2.4% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 82.1% White, 9.6% Black, 3.8 Hispanic, 2.9% Asian

Comments: In many ways this is a slightly less safer version of Slaughter's old one.
CD 27 - Old CD 27 - Green
Incumbent: Brian Higgins
Old Obama/McCain vote: 54.2-44.0
New Obama/McCain vote: 57.0-41.3
Old 18+ Demo: 87.5% White, 5.0% Black, 4.9 Hispanic, 1.2% Asian
New 18+ Demo: 82.4% White, 10.6% Black, 4.1 Hispanic, 1.1% Asian

Comments: Despite adding another western Democratic district Higgins ups his Obama numbers.