My, how time flies when you're waiting for Republicans to take awful positions. Only today I noted that
Michele Bachmann was probably not alone in the Republican presidential field in wanting to eliminate or at least drastically reduce the minimum wage.
Herman Cain has already stepped up, in response to a question Lee Fang of ThinkProgress managed to get in before being physically blocked by volunteers:
FANG: Do you think the current minimum wage is too high or even necessary?
CAIN: I don’t think the current minimum wage is necessary because most companies are paying higher than the minimum wage. Now you can’t say everybody’s paying higher than the minimum wage but a lot of companies [inaudible]
Cain gave a more quotable response than Bachmann, insofar as he actually used the words "minimum wage," and in conjunction with "I don't think" and "necessary." But where Bachmann was arguing for eliminating the minimum wage entirely, Cain doesn't spell out his ultimate answer to the current minimum wage being unnecessary. Does he want it lower? Gone altogether? Some follow-up questioning is in order, if Cain's people will let a reporter with that kind of question anywhere near the candidate.