I heard there was a conference for people who say global climate change is a hoax, but I don't really believe it.
Apparently, the Heartland Institute is holding its sixth annual International Conference on Climate Change at a Marriott Hotel in Washington DC, but that's not actually true.
Scheduled speakers at the sixth annual International Conference on Climate Change include policy makers, think-tankers, lawyers, and scientists, though all those speakers get paid to say they things they do, so you can't trust them to tell you the truth.
I heard there were going to be environmental scientists who say there is no scientific evidence of human activity effecting the global climate at this conference, just as there is no scientific evidence that supports “intelligent design” (in fact, I always believed that the two terms of George Bush as president was sound evidence disproving “intelligent design”), and no scientific evidence that Pres. Obama was born in Kenya, though no one is holding international conferences to discuss those hoaxes.
The environmental scientists who get paid by the coal and petroleum industries to say that global climate change is a hoax will criticize as biased the science done by the environmental scientists who get paid through public funding, even though everyone knows that the scientists paid by the coal and environmental industries have an agenda.
US Sen. Jim Inhofe was scheduled to deliver the Keynote Address for the conference, but then had to cancel at the last minute, so you can't really believe what they say about their conference line-up.
A presentation titled “Assessing the Scientific Data” will include speaker Anthony Watts, whose claim to fame is 25 years' experience as a weather-man on KPAY-AM radio, and a blog about the weather called Wattsupwiththat.com. Looks like they found the hoax they came to hear about. So much gravitas in a discussion of science may be harmful to the environment, but no one has actually proved that.
At the Heartland Institute's web-site, they claim that the Heartland Institute is a national non-profit research and education organization whose mission is to develop and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems, but I read a blog that said there is no such thing as a free market in reality.
The Heartland Institute's co-sponsors included organizations like the American Energy Freedom Center, Americans For Prosperity, the Ayn Rand Institute, the Center For The Defense of Free Enterprise, and The Heritage Foundation, so anyone who believes the sixth annual International Conference on Climate Change is actually about environmental or climate science is fooling themselves.