We’ve watched the fallout from Weinergate for the last thirty nine days. The media drifted away fairly quickly after his resignation and all that remained were those of us puzzling over who was actually behind the conspiracy … and of course, those desperate to obfuscate what really happened.
Conspiracies may be executed by collectives, but there is always a first cause, and suspicion naturally fell on serial fabricator James O’Keefe. But he’s been nowhere in sight.
Who has been in sight, frantically flogging explanations that don’t add up, is Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney John Patrick Frey, who writes under the pen name Patterico (say: pat-uh-RI-co).
And when someone forwarded me the complaint regarding Frey running a cyberstalking campaign in conjunction with South Easton, Massachusetts resident Seth L. Allen, well, maybe this whole situation is about to become much clearer.
First, take a look at the background from 2010, when he was intimately involved in defending James O’Keefe’s ACORN smear. This complaint about John Patrick Frey aka Patterico to the California Supreme Court details the perceived conflict of interest between someone who is a Deputy District Attorney and a vigorous defender of O’Keefe’s criminal capers. It also names a then anonymous cyber-stalker who used the pseudonym “Socrates”.
The author of the complaint, Brett Kimberlin of Velvet Revolution, later sued Socrates and pushed the process far enough to get Google to give up his identifying information, proving that the person behind the cyber-stalking was Seth L. Allen, of South Easton, Massachusetts. This link is to a PDF I created from Kid Kenoma’s blog, which I did because this seemed important. If you Google “Seth Allen Kid Kenoma” there is a lot of additional information on this guy.
Summary: John Patrick Frey aka Patterico, in Los Angeles, worked with a cyber-stalker named Seth L. Allen in South Easton, Massachusetts in 2010, defending the ACORN smear, a major scheme involving James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart.
Now consider what has happened in Weinergate and compare methods and locations.
The Dan Wolfe persona purportedly lived “near Cape Cod”. South Easton and Seth L. Allen lie between Boston and Cape Cod.
The fake driver’s license employed by Pamela Reid, the fake mom of the fake teenage girl Nikki aka @starchild111, was from California. Presumably a Deputy D.A. from that area, where immigration problems are common, would know and perhaps be engaged in plea bargains with people who can manufacture documents.
Complex, long running fakery is seen in both cases. I have another piece of information on Allen that I’m debating posting, which reveals the various aliases he has used in the past and where they have been observed. I think the source on this is very trustworthy, but I am finding some old, dead links, and I want to understand and verify some of this stuff before I put another set of facts into an already purposefully muddled situation.
Now consider some things that have happened within just the Weinergate event itself.
Someone called Lee Stranahan and claimed to be Jennifer George, a name involved with one of the fake teenage girl Twitter IDs. Then someone called Jennifer George, claimed to be Lee Stranahan, and made a threat, which was investigated and found to be “not credible”.
Given Seth Allen’s history of stalking and fakery it’s highly probable he knows what a Spoof Card is and Spoof App is another way in which one can present someone else’s number in caller ID.
There has been a public blow up between Stranahan and Frey within the last couple of days and the revelation of the existence of Seth Allen and this complaint against Frey seems to have been the trigger. Frey banned Stranahan from his blog, then things got quiet, then Stranahan publicly declared he was done writing about Weinergate.
One interpretation: Stranahan wasn’t in on the scheme, he dug and dug until he endangered the whole operation, and then word came down from on high banishing him from touching the story.
A female voice was needed for the calls to Stranahan, and a female voice and face were needed for the interview Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher did with the debunked “Pamela Reid”. We’ve got at least one real live woman in the mix.
It would be interesting if someone got a picture of Patterico’s wife, Christi Frey, who coincidentally is also a Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney, and showed that to Tommy. The situation with Allen is a little more complex and would require a detective monitoring his residence to catch the face of any female associates.
There is a lot more that could be said, but we’ve got some fireworks to go see. Some final closing thoughts …
This is as minimal and factual as I can make it, based on the information at hand. Given Frey and Allen’s behavior observed during the response to the ACORN smear there certainly are many interesting similarities to Weinergate.
Frey has some deep personal investment in this situation which keeps his blog humming, and it’s all been sketchy disinformation involving “interviews” with @JohnReid9, the purported husband of the debunked mom of the fake teen.
Will Los Angeles County keep a Deputy District Attorney who spends his off hours manufacturing political scandals? Discharge, disbarment, and public ridicule ought to be Frey’s lot in life if what appears to be going on, based on this small analysis, is truly the explanation for the events surrounding Weinergate.
I recently got into an email exchange with Lee Stranahan. I sent a message to the effect that I would speak only the truth, or "No comment" if I could not respond for some reason. We had a short discussion tonight and he asked that I post his response to this story, to which I agreed.

Disingenuous Chart, Dishonest D.A was a diary I published prior to receiving the particulars on Frey and Allen - I was starting to get a funny feeling about him, and the confirmation proved to be fairly dramatic.