Michele doesn't want you to have any government aid.
She wants it all for herself!
This is so not surprising:
Like many members of Congress, Rep. Michele Bachmann has been a fierce critic of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, blaming the government-backed loan programs for excesses that helped create the financial meltdown in 2008.
And like millions of other home purchasers, Bachmann took out a home loan in 2008 that offered lower costs to the borrower through one of the federally subsidized programs, according to mortgage experts who reviewed her loan documents.
Just a few weeks before Bachmann called for dismantling the programs during a House Financial Services Committee hearing, she and her husband signed for a $417,000 home loan to help finance their move to a 5,200-square-foot golf course home, public records show. Experts who examined the loan documents for The Washington Post say they are confident that the loan was backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.
Yes, she's been a fierce critic of these programs. But she and her pray-the-gay-away husband no doubt needed that extra government assistance to help them attain the American dream of home ownership, right?
The Bachmanns’ assets, according to her latest financial disclosure statement, range between $862,018 and $2 million.
Hmm. Or not.
For someone who hates the heck out of the government, Michele sure holds her hand out a lot. She hates Medicaid, too, but has no problem collecting payments year after year to fund her family's "Christian counseling" clinic. And then there are those farm subsidies she hates, except for the ones that go to her family's farm.
And of course she hates earmarks, too, except when they're for her district, in which case they should be redefined.
What next, Michele? Have you been living off food stamps too? Maybe you'd be interested in a breast exam at a government-subsidized Planned Parenthood? Perhaps you'd enjoy some heat subsidies for those cold Minnesota winters? Whatever you need from the American taxpayers, Michele, we're here for you, as long as you keep fighting to make sure there's no help for the rest of us.