It's taken a lot of whining by Boehner, much of it happening on the floor in the lead up to this absolutely meaningless vote, but it's finally happening (making 67% of us wrong). Watch the vote on the Boehner plan that is already a dead letter in the Senate.
2:54 PM PT: The vote happening right now is the Democrats' motion to recommit. It is a 15 minute vote, and the vote on the Boehner plan will come directly after it.
2:57 PM PT: The motion to recommit offered by Democrats, and presented on the floor by the newest member, Kathy Hochul, is forcing Republicans to vote to eliminate corporate jet, oil company tax breaks. Which of course, they will not vote to do.
3:09 PM PT: Moving on to final passage of Boehner plan now. Which will go to the Senate merely to be tabled.
3:17 PM PT: The first seven minutes of voting flew. The last few not so much. Is there still a lot of arm-twisting happening with those last 16 Republicans?
3:20 PM PT: Thus far no Democrats voting with Boehner, and 16 Republicans voting no. There's your bipartisanship—in opposition to Boehner!
3:21 PM PT: All right, it passed, unless votes change. There's a week completely wasted by the House of Representatives, cuz this bill is going nowhere fast now.
3:26 PM PT: Final tally, 218-210. Twenty no votes from Republicans. Democrats unanimously rejected it.
3:27 PM PT: Make that 22 Republican no votes. Two snuck in there in the last second. Now they're naming post offices, which actually will achieve something, as opposed to the debt ceiling vote.
Update: Roll call vote here.