Harry Reid (on left), Mitch McConnell (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
While Harry Reid is looking for 60 votes to pass his debt ceiling plan (because, of course, a simple majority is never enough for Democrats), Mitch McConnell managed to get 43 members of the Senate Republican caucus to sign a letter pledging their opposition to what Reid is proposing. Who are the four Republican holdouts? Pretty much the names you'd expect:
• Scott Brown (MA)
• Susan Collins (ME)
• Lisa Murkowski (AK)
• Olympia Snowe (ME)
Assuming these senators are gettable (Brown, for instance, said he'd support either the Reid plan or the Boehner plan), that puts Reid at 57 votes. Yet even if Reid could pass something, could John Boehner get it through the House?
11:08 AM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): Great point from plankbob in the comments:
Mordor McCain even signed? Sweet.
So much for being a maverick, eh?