It's been 694 days since I last published at dK. This will be my 388th diary. I've commented almost as often as my UID- 43464 v. 49281.
Frankly I'm surprised that anyone noticed my unexpected absence. After all, people write for their own reasons and start and stop according to their muse and circumstance. The only thing I ever expected from blogging was a place where I could express my opinions without being afraid to let it slip I was a Democrat.
That was 6 years ago last April Fools' Day and much has changed.
I must admit I haven't missed it. Well, except for this particular place. I have other interests in the real world where in certain rooms there's an obligation to give me a standing ovation when I enter so my ego is quite robust. I've been developing my writing in other directions which you can see on display (when I'm not otherwise distracted by my narcissist vanity reflection) at The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma.
Today on The Stars Hollow Gazette
Regular Features-
* On This Day In History August 1 by TheMomCat
* How bad is it? (Monday Business Edition) by: ek hornbeck
* Punting the Pundits (daily) by TheMomCat
* Evening Edition (daily) by ek hormbeck
Features for August 1, 2011-
* Congressional Game of Chicken: Countdown to Default Part 2 (Up Date) by: TheMomCat
* Shrill? by: ek hornbeck
* Or you could put up a Debtors Prison by ek hornbeck
The Stars Hollow Gazette
DocuDharma Digest
Regular Features-
* Late Night Karaoke by mishima
* Cartnoon by ek hornbeck
Featured Essays for August 1, 2011-
* One way to distract the markets by: gjohnsit
* The Military Veteran: No Revenue = No Sacrifice by: jimstaro
* And Now A Word From Our Sponsor by ek hornbeck
* On Speaking To Power, Or, When Sanity's Gone, There's Always Satire by: fake consultant
* House Not Selling? by: Lasthorseman
We do Countdown with Keith Olbermann which if you follow enough links you can see at it's broadcast times including the one directly scheduled against our boys at 11 pm (ET), and there are additional features and community.
Almost exactly a year ago, on July 4th 2010, TheMomCat and I established The Stars Hollow Gazette. This site has developed into a News, Sports, Entertainment, and Opinion publication. While the content so far reflects mostly TheMomCat's and my input, we're more than willing to promote random or regular member submissions.
In November 2010 buhdydharma announced his intention to abandon DocuDharma and I urged TheMomCat to assume ownership, which she did partly to maintain the historical record (Armando's "They All Disappoint" appeared first on DocuDharma and still links there, thanks Armando) and partly because she thinks it gives Authors a place of prominence to post their pieces when many of them are prevented from doing so in other places.
As the only active original founder (number 9, #9, no. nein) I assure you the editorial direction of DocuDharma has not changed a bit since it's inception in September of 2007. We still accept and feature fiction, poetry, conspiracy theories, and snark in addition to the most scurrilous facts. We expect our readers to be able to tell the difference. No I/P ever without prior approval.
Your voice is important. It needs to be heard. The best way to learn how to write is to read good writers and write yourself. I consider it a public service to provide you a platform.
There are subjects I don't care to discuss anymore. I consider them proven and denialists, flat earthers, and other conspiracy theorists have nothing to contribute and are best ignored as the Good Germans they are.
I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to the individuals who've supported me through this transition. Truthfully, I can't understand why. Whatever minor encouragement I've provided has been more than repaid simply by your toleration of my tedious ramblings.
You can't expect the 18,000+ comment a year kind of volume I used to generate nor am I willing to manage any franchises not related to my primary sites- The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma. I'm happy to fill in on a temporary basis... sometimes.
Now the part where I scold you
Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.
696 Days since my last Sausage Grinder of Snark (#65) and Tia hasn't had a day off?
Now centuries ago in blog time Tia would put up a shingle for a temp and hoards of mewling n00bs would crawl at her feet begging for a chance to host the easiest, funniest, and perennially popular late night hangout on dK. Imagine my surprise on Sunday when I found the gig was still available.
I'll save my speech on scheduling and its virtues for another occasion and just say how honored I am to be allowed this opportunity to chat with you, an honor I am more than willing to share with any volunteer.
Unless we want this to be a race, I'd suggest it would be friendlier for people to sign up publicly under the comment provided and co-ordinate between themselves. To make it easier I'll take tomorrow and report the results so far. Tia will probably be on vacation until August 31st, I'm not sure when they take their Labor Day break.
About the guests
Jon has Freida Pinto. You probably know her from her Wrigley's Gum advertisments. Unfortunately she's no doubt there to whore her latest project Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Who'd have ever thought I'd be forced to write "not the good 1972 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes."
Stephen has Tony Hsieh. Is he there about his book? That's so kinda... June 2010. If you've got a new product to pitch, you should really get your publicist to update your wiki.